Today was quite eventfull.i worked out relaxed and did some yard work. Before work i went to a funeral. This was a funeral for somebody my age. This is not what i planned. This was a old teammate from popwarner football. He and his brother died in a car crash, BY A DRUNK DRIVER. This Kills me. it kills me that he was an innocent victim.
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Today was a mediocre day. i didnt work out so, i think i was a little more sluggish. Wow, it was quite ackward at 11, i had to go get a physical, TURN YOUR HEAD AND COUGH!!! the worst part was, it was an old man doctor. gross
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well the day has ended. It was quite an accomplishing day. i worked out at noon and me and Vito ran in the 120 heat. I got home and Ben Susak and Tommy meet at Applebees and had a late lunch. And i guzzled down a grip of ice tea, like 5 glasses. We came back to my house and made some changes to this page and Tommy helped me out because he is THE
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This is bar far something different for me, but i decided to do something different. I started my own little web page. Never thought i would ever do it, but here i am!! My friend Tommy, cdstomcat, told me to set one up. I still am figuring this out.
So yea, this will become a little more interesting as i build up my page