The past five months has been good, money wise. Mal got shot by a woman named Patience, but not bad. And Zoe'd managed to grab the coin, so it hadn't been a total loss. They all even managed to get planet side once or twice over night. They didn't always have a ton of food, but they were doing alright
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"I'm good. Let's get the hell outta here, shall we?" If she focuses on how she feels at right this second, she won't be able to get out - or at the very least she'll slow them down so much that they'll all be humped. So she pushes herself, forces herself to follow him out, to push until they're off this gorram moon. And she's a little angry, so there's no hesitation to shoot some people.
"Jayne, clear a path," Wash called out, leading the way out, and shooting a guard who was coming from the side towards them. It was a good shot too, a clean head shot. Wash was not happy at the bastards who had held his wife for so long, so right now he was going for maximum damage to protect Zoe. He glanced back at Zoe, taking her by the hand as he led them back towards the shuttle.
Opening her eyes, she forces herself to provide cover for Jayne, firing until he gets into the shuttle and they both get the door closed so Wash can take off.
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