Oh, man. To be frank, I could care less about the Master and the Time Lords and all the silly little contrivances of these two episodes. I was MUCH more enamored with the personal aspects...Wilf, Donna, the relationship btwn the Doctor and the Master, the goodbyes. THE GOODBYES.
Oh gosh. Martha and Mickey? No comment--but let there be tons of fic about THOSE missing scenes, please! And Jack! With Alonso! Awwww. Good old Jack--somehow that napkin was a gesture that ALMOST, almost, ALMOST slightly made up for the douchebaggery of Ten whenever it comes to Jack. So sweet.
And Rose. Oh, Rose. A good year, indeed. Love it, was such a wonderful, wistful, fitting sort of goodbye.
When he stood there, about to regenerate. And his face was just such a picture, and he said "I don't want to go," I lost it. Started BAWLING. I don't want you to go either, Tennant. SIGH.
I don't know how I feel about Matt Smith. It'll take time for me to get used to him. But I'm excited for new adventures!
Goodbyeeeee David. Love youuuuuu.