Title: Refractions
bigmamag Betas:
ifyouweremine and
pasty_pants Series: ST XI
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 25,000
Warnings: mention of past non-con (alternate reality)
Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, I take them out for dirty play dates.
Summary: Two separate parallel universes merge with their own as the Enterprise is sent to an unknown planet where a dangerous phenomenon is destroying ships and expanding outward.
Author's Note(s): This story was initially inspired by the Smallville story
Convergence, which itself was inspired by the Star Trek TNG novel
Q-Squared. It also jacks stuff from draws heavily from the original series. Much thanks to my two awesome betas,
ifyouweremine for being a beta ninja, going over the whole thing twice, going into crazy detail for my benefit, and
pasty_pants who helped me plot it out, listened to me bitch, and helped this fic even get finished in the first place.
Art by
latenightarting here Links to each section
All Aboard |
Jumping Tracks |
Derailment |
Track Service and Last Stop *The fic can also now be found
here in one single piece.
*Now available in
Russian! Chekov is pleased!
Fics set in this universe:
Somewhere Where We Can Forget Destinies Averted Follow the Leader(WIP)