Is it wrong for a man to love a school?
Because if it is, I don't want to be right.
Today, me and my parents went on a tour of Wayne State's Campus. We walked into several buildings, saw where most of my classes will be, the libraries, the Student Center (with a gym), and MOST importantly, the Dorms. NOw that I had more time to look around, I am SURE that this is where I want to go!
The rooms are REALLY small. Two beds and a bathroom. BUT, there is more storage space than I have at home, with TWO desks, TWO chests of drawers, TWO closets, and the beds can be messed with to arrange it all differently.
THis morning whem I woke up at 8:30 (HA!), Dad was on this website to order me a CELL PHONE! YOu see, MY rationale for getting me a phone so far before I NEEDED one was so that I could get used to it. THe Cell will be EXACTLY like Mom and Jess', but it'll have BLuetooth, and a bunch of other nifty things like that.
My tourguide was hot! (BOO YAH!) HEr name was Perna, she was a REALLY small Indian girl with dark Hazel eyes. She is a Junior at WSU, majoring in Spanish, and going into Law soon. SHe was awesome because she knew a lot about a lot, and was cracking jokes about pretty much everything. WHile we were waiting for our tourguide, I had actually been hoping for some guy and NOT a hot girl because I thought I would be able to identify more with a guy that was three to four years my senior than a girl I would be staring at, but Perna was awesome. SHe was pretty without being a neckbreaker, and she seemed to know a LOT about stuff!
THe one thing we couldn't see on the campus tour, was the Engineering Bldg, the ONE thing I had been HOPING to see. WHen Perna told us we couldn't go into it, she gave us the number of the Dean of Engineering, and Dad called him as we started the tour, and got us all set up! (He's awesome.)
After the campus tour, we went back to the main bldg, and I filled out a tourguide evaluation form for her (gave her a perfect score) then we went to the Engineering building and a short (kinds husky) latina woman gave us a short tour, directly to a test lab where a Professor was working with several grad students on projects directly funded by the US Army, Nasa, and Different Medical Practices. THe first of three active projects, was this kind of virtual reality booth for surgeons. It was a machine with two arms reaching out of it, and on each arm was a remote control type thing. BAsically, what they did with those arms was sent to a surgical unit in a clean room, and a robot did it for them. THey could scale their movements so that centimeters of movements would translate to millimetes, and tremor would be eliminated. THey showed how it was even sensitive enough to suture!
THe second of the three, was there were two students, running a program for NASA for the shuttle arms. THey had an arm, and the program had a zero-grav simulation. THey could move the arm on the program until it did what they wanted HOW they wanted, and THEN press enter and the arm would move like it did on the screen. THey had even hooked up a controller to the computer to move the digital arm like a real one.
The third was for the ARMY. It was a 4-5" tall robot with a camera, and a prodder bar. The 'bot was used to search the undersides of cars for carbombs! Dad told the Professor about our friend Jack being overseas, and how he'd probably used it, and HE told US that his BROTHER was in the Army, and was actually the guy that USED them! APparently he hadn't known until they spoke over THanksgiving, and he told him about the project. HIs Bro told HIM that he had already USED them! Lol. The bot was awesome because it had "Crabdrive" capabilities, meaning that in addition to being able to move forward and backwards like cars, they could ALSO drive SIDE-TO-SIDE!
THere was actually a second half to the MEdical project. They used a camera like the ones they use for 3-D modeling, and they made a model of a Skull on the comp with it, then they x-rayed the skull, and actually LAYERED the x-ray over the model, and fed the info into the arm (mentioned above) in order to do some AWESOME stuff! They did a LOT of stuff with that layering technique, with ALL of the projects. I have a new idea of what I want to do with my life, and it looks not only CHALLENGING, but FUN, not to mention MEANINGFUL. Much MORE meaningful in my eyes than coming out with the "Hottest New SPorts Car".
WSU is VERY comfortable to me. I LOVE the city feeling I get, and there are LOTS of different people of even more varied ethnicities. I saw a LOT of Indians, LOTS of black people (felt like home), LOTS of mexican/latinos (kewl group), and LOTS of hott blondes (hey, I'm still a GUY). Jessie wanted CMU to get away from the City without being Out of the city, and I guess I'm just more used to it. I'm REALLY looking forward to attending there in the fall.
FOr the past few days, I've been filling out forms, and applying for scholarships. I'm filling out a couple of PTSA scholarships, one's from SHS for $250, the other is from the State PTSA for $1000, and yet another is from the WSU-FIRST competition. It's a Presidential Scholarship. If I can raise my GPA to above a 3.5, then I could get a 4-year scholarship (PRETTY SURE full ride).