So I'm making tacos and my (former?) realtor calls me and, if you're up on my current events, is faaaaaaaar from my favorite person right now.
Long story short, she calls with no information and no importance. Every minute speaking to this woman is a minute I am wasting precious oxygen/nitrogen mixture.
When last she spoke, she said that she'd keep an eye out for another apartment. I, not being a total dipshit, do not put any stock in this information and have been looking on my own since the day of the great shutdown.
So as I'm on the phone for her and Lou taking over taco making duty, I ask "Hey, you haven't come across any apartments that'd work for me have you? You said you'd keep an eye out for me the last time we spoke." Y'know, asking for shits and giggles.
"Sorry, I haven't had anything."
"I forgot."
"Sorry, don't really care, up yours guy."
These were all answers I was expecting. I'm don't actually expect her to actually try to help me out in a situation where I've been completely screwed over and for her to be a decent human being who gives perhaps one iota of a shit.
Instead, she gives me what I'm referring to as an anti-answer. A response so mind-boggling that it actually obliterated a portion of intelligence in my brain when I heard it and left me with only more questions.
Her answer? "You want to move?"
She said that with sincerity and disbelief.
"You want to move?"
Many of you know that I'm not one for cursing, but the string of expletives that came out of my mouth after I hung up with her were multitude and extensive.
I have been given no concrete answer on when I have to get out, I have been given no reason to think that I can take my time in getting the hell out. The fact that I am not being charged to what is essentially squatting here is not what I would call a goddamned perk!
i have no safety net or security, all sense of this being "my" place has been taken from me.
And you think I'm silly to think I need to get out of here ASAP?
Mind you I didn't say any of this to her and kept my normal, reserved voice at a reasonable level as I heard he prattle on after this. I may actually need her to vouch for me if I get a place that requires it.
I have no words.
Are you even a person?