Title: I Was A Ghost Before You Came
Author: Bigsciencybrain
Fandom: The Bourne Movies Series
Rating: R
Summary: Unable to trust the CIA, Bourne and Landy go into hiding after he escapes from the training facility.
Spoilers: Post-Ultimatum
Pairings: Bourne/Landy
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. Bourne belongs to the Ludlum
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Comments 7
And on to me ranting:
IIIEEE!! This is beautifully done -- as always. Your characterizations are absolutely amazing, and the thought you put behind each move and each piece of dialogue is fantastic. There's just enough flashback for the reader to grasp what has happened previously, but not too much. The plot still keeps running fluidly and lucidly, which is usually difficult to pull of with flashbacks and whatnot.
Downsides? I'm really bummed Tom died -- he was an excellent character in the films and you extended his role excellently in this. It's nice, too, to see Marshall take a stand.
Overall? This is fantastic. I'll be sad when it's done.
I haven't gotten around to posting things on FF.net because I usually don't post at all until I'm finished completely. Since this was a ficathon, and three months late at that, I started posting as I was writing. Once it's done, I'll post it at FF.net. :)
In any case -- continue! :D
But I'm happier that he's alive after seeing you say it.
The characterization and insight you provide is wonderful. I'll be sad when it's done. I was wondering why you didn't post it on ffnet, but really, all that gets any attention over there are all the multi-chapter J/N fics that keep popping up. You seem to be getting a better audiance here--regardless, I love it. Can't wait to read the next part.
I know there's got to be good fic there...somewhere.
There are lots of good fics, though. Eventually.
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