i have two vacuums - one is the eureka superbroom! and the other is a dirt devil vision. today, while vacuuming my room, i noticed that the vacuum i was using was dirty so i decided to take the second vacuum and use it to vacuum the first.
i got two big cuts on my arm along with a nasty burn so, along with neosporin, i covered them up with my spider-man band-aid. this morning i woke up with six insect bites, possibly from spiders. is everyone thinking what i'm thinking?
i just got done watching the movie "the chronicles of narnia : the lion, the witch and the wardrobe" and i was distracted by the fact that these must be some of the ugliest children ever filmed. also, i'd like to nominate edmund pevensie as one of the dumbest characters in literary history.
one of the most awkward feelings is walking into a restaurant and (either after looking at the menu or after being greeted) realizing that i don't want to order anything from them. how do i walk out?
i'm wondering why skulls and bones are a popular theme in recent fashion? it seems every clothing store and every brand has a skull and/or bones somewhere on their tops.
why don't people wear driving gloves anymore? or are they only reserved for people driving cars made before the 1980s and with thin steering wheels the size of a bicycle wheel?