s8 thoughts

Oct 21, 2012 22:51

Although my first reaction to Sam wanting to leave hunting and go back to school was "really? this again?" I've changed my original, overly cynical opinion. That's kind of some cool symmetry to the series. What if it ended with Dean hunting by himself, Sam back in school? That would be sad, of course, but in an awesome way: for so long they were told that "you will always end up here," in their roles as angel condoms or whatever, but in the end it turns out that they continue in pretty much the same ways they were before the show started. Kind of as if nothing that happened in between really mattered? Sam still winds up pursuing a non-hunting career and Dean still winds up able to give up the life, only now they're older and way more screwed up and alone. That's definitely one of the most depressing ways I could imagine it ending, but also one of the coolest. I'm a big fan of nothing mattering.

(Not that the show is ending this season!!)
(Okay but also how would Sam go back to school? Isn't he wanted for like a million murders?)
(Also the angst scale seems to be tipping towards Sam again, uuughhhh puking)

s8, spn

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