
Nov 27, 2005 13:05

I had the scariest fucking dream in the world just about two seconds ago.  Usually I love having zombie dreams, but this one was too fucking real.

I was at school.  Now it was only me in a room.  I think it was the woodshop room, but I don't know, it was a dream.  But a teacher who I never had locked us in and kept us in this room.  We kept sitting around for hours being extremely bored and tense.  Girls were crying, even some boys were crying.  I knew if I got myself into the film room by myself, I would be safe because I don't trust other people in these situations.  So I finally got the key from this student teacher, and some fat asian girl followed me.  She was laughing and giggling and I told her "if you don't shut the fuck up, I will stab you in the head and think nothing of it" which definatly shut her up.

The teacher made a plan to hide the students, but it didn't work.  A zombie came in and was killing people left and right.  When it was at the end of the room, I ran outside, down the wing, and up the stairs.

I was freaking out because I had no idea where Andreas was.  I was screaming his name and no one was helping me.  I found him in the language wing hanging out with Heather, Chelsea, and Corie.  I saw Brian Jennings and his wife, and he told me he could get me out, but I said not without them 4.  So we got in his little cart, except the zombies were attacking us.  They killed Brian & Eileen, and there were about 50 police men standing inside doing nothing, so I just stole their guns and we all killed the zombies outside.  We were out there for a good 30 minutes killing random zombies, and helping healthy people into the building.

I don't know why, but we went back inside.  We were down the health wing.  Everyone was running around, and Andreas, Corie, Me, Chelsea, and Heather were walking down the hall with weapons in hand.  Everyone was like "OH MY GOD DON'T GO ON THE ELEVATOR, SOMEONE IS DEAD ON IT" which obviously means they haven't turned into a zombie yet, I thought to myself.  But then I saw Brooke Blackstone walk onto the elevator, so the 5 of us ran upstairs.  Corie, Andreas and Heather went further down the language wing to see if they needed to kill anyone, and me and Chelsea confronted Brooke.  I told her I had to kill her because she was a zombie, and then I tried to stab her in the head, but she got away.

For some reason, we were outside running down the street.  It looked familiar to me, so it is probably in South Meriden.  We found a house with no door, and there was a young woman and her baby daughter.  She let us stay with her.  We were now all sitting on her couch when a zombie came in.  Andreas laughed and said "Hahaha He's blind" and he tripped him.  When the zombie fell on the ground, I stabbed him in the head a few times with my long silver scissors until he stopped moving.  Then we all moved around her front door, hiding from the outside as we watched people and zombies run by, some were screaming for their lives.

Once it became dark, we took her car and drove up this huge hill.  We turned around once we got to the top.  Chelsea was driving.

Then I woke up.  Then fell back to sleep.

We ended up back at the school.

I absolutely am freaked out by how accurate this dream was.  At the beginning of the dream, when I was trying to go upstairs to get my brother, I had to get scissors out of my backpack, and I took my makeup out and placed it near the wall.  It was in the same exact place when I went to see if anyone needed help down the health hallway.  So I put it back in my backpack.

Andreas, Corie and Heather needed to go somewhere, and I was crying because I didn't want Andreas to leave me, but he promised me they'd all be okay.  So Chelsea and I went to the science wing and into a class.  This teacher was still holding class after being trapped in a school for 13 days.

A bunch of students, at least 40 were in this classroom.  It was dark and almost resembed the stairway.  Or a cave.  It was really dark and drippy.  I asked the teacher if anything was wrong in here, she told me no.  While I was walking away, a freshman grabbed my shirt and said, "she's a zombie, I know it".  I told the teacher I was going to stay in the room for further security, and she almost had something wrong with it, but let me anyway.  and I knew she was a zombie.  I waited until the appropriate time, and jumped on her and tried to stab her in the head, but she threw me across the room.  She got to the door, but by then two other teachers were holding her down and I stabbed her in the head 5 times and said,

"It feels just like carving a pumpkin."

Someone in the classroom said, "Are there still zombies coming out of that thing in the other science classroom?"  and I got confused and looked outside the door.  I looked to my left, and saw a classroom that was filled with steam and two zombies walked out.

I ran back into the classroom and told Chelsea to get behind me.  I had my scissors in my right hand and I was just ready to get this over with.  All of a sudden, Nicole Corrivo and Kevin Scarpati came out from thre staircase on the right of the room, the zombies came from the left and beheaded the both of them.  Two kids jumped on the zombies and killed them.

Then I woke up.  That dream lasted from 9 am to 12 pm.  I said, "that was too much" then I wrote this.

That was such a bad dream.  I hated all of it.  Shit.  Fuck that.
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