Once you beat Pokemon Snap in 30 minutes under the name MALCOM X, you can never do it again.
Hell tonight. Check under the cut, yo.
1) List ten things you want to say to people but know you never will.
2) Don't say who they are.
3) Never discuss it again. Says Shawn. I will probably tell everyone if they guess right.
!) I barely know you. You probably have no idea that I can tell why you sleep late, and why the paint on your pants is green. I know why you are sad. We're practically strangers. I know that you can tell I haven't slept in a week, and how you can decode my thoughts like they were yours. They are yours. I want to decode you just as well. You're such a fucking complex puzzle I want to finish more than anything.
@) I don't deserve you as a friend. You're too good for me.
#) I miss what we used to have. I want to tell you everything, but distance is cutting my words in half. They can only reach you on a screen or hidden in a picture in an envelope. I can't believe I don't have anything else to say.
$) We could have had something. You fucked it up. I fucked it up even more. It's almost sad.
%) You are the only person keeping me alive.
^) I want you to be my best friend again. I feel like I can't talk to you at school because I'll cramp your fucking style. How can I be best friends with a person that's too fucking cool for me? I want you to need me like you used to. I miss you calling me just because. I miss driving around and being assholes together. I know you're having a hard time with your problems, but I'm having a hard time living. You used to make everything so much easier because I knew you cared about me. It was more than being just best friends. We were so in love with each other. I wanted to stay friends forever. You once told me you were losing all your friends, it's probably because you don't believe half of them exist.
&) You're not cute. You're not glam. Your myspace is stupid.
*) I really want to tell you to stop talking to me, but it would hurt your feelings, and I don't want that. I just don't want to deal with you up my ass 24-7.
() You brighten my day far more than the sun ever could. I'm so glad you exist. I'm so glad I'm friends with you.
)) Operation New York City is a go. Two years. Us.