so we went on an adventure to wal-mart. our goal? to be as wierd as possible. score. the following images may or may not frighten you. consider this a warning. viewer discretion advised.
these are all liv's pictures. thanks!
this would be lin. mix between school girl/old woman. her name was marce.
this is liv. she was an army marine. her name was butch. notice the war paint, and upon further examination, a hickey!!??
this is all of us. i was trying not to smile, i don't always look that... deathly. notice liv's [butch's] muscle, brinks [richard's] hand, lin's [marcy-anne's] lovely purse and subtle cheeks, and brenda's john deer hat.
this is brink in one big suit, complete with a lion tie. notice lin in the background practicing some faces.
this is me [=o!] i was trying not to smile... oh well. i have never looked so deathly in my life, and i can honestly say i scared myself when i put on teh black lipstick, not really visible here. woo!
goodbye everyone. leave lots of comments.