Country Name: Arab Republic of Egypt (won't use it if he can help it)
Human Name: Gupta Muhammad Hassan (goes by his last name since most people in the Garden will be strangers)
Gender: Male
Age: CONFUSING Will say he's 23 if asked. Looks more... 27? But shush, he just looks older than he really is. Actual age is convoluted as fuck, I don't even
Appearance: Build between lean and athletic, smaller than Greece and Turkey. (BUT NOT WHERE IT COUNTS.) 5'8"/173cm tall (estimate). Short black hair and kickass sideburns. Olive green eyes. Light/medium brown skin tone? Ugh, I suck at describing these things.
Cadet ID#84325 Weapon Specialist Operative, Firearms Platoon, Level 1
Sponsor: Amber
A103, rooming with
eggplantallergy ( PERMISSIONS OR WHATEVER )
TRIGGERS → Getting shoved into small/dark places or cuffed/tied up freaks him out. Police and/or policing figures don't usually incite positive reactions from him, either.
MEDICAL INFO → More durable than a human; can still be injured like one, for the most part. Damage done by fellow nations takes a long time to heal; damage done by anyone or anything else takes less. Has the largest and strongest military in Africa, so that translates to something useful, right? Egypt's economy being tied to his health means that he's currently... not in peak condition. VAGUE STATEMENT IS VAGUE I'm unfamiliar with the state of the economy sob
MENTAL INFO → Any telepaths or whatnot will have a lot of things to sort through in his head. Can they understand Arabic? Centuries' worth of memories right there. With the amount of time he's spent at WR, Egypt may or may not be going crazy from homesickness, putting a damper on a lot of things, or making his aura an off color or some shit like that.
FOURTH-WALLING → Don't think it could harm him in any way. Go for it.
PHYSICAL CONTACT → From males, all good and fine with Egypt - as long as it isn't romantic/flirty in nature. From females, good luck trying to get him to reciprocate if you aren't a very close friend. The girls here aren't like the ones back home in his country, so as long as you initiate contact first...
ROMANCE/SEXUAL RELATIONS → For appearance's sake, gender is an issue for Egypt. Guys he doesn't know well (i.e. neighboring nation types) won't stand a chance in hell... but you're free to try if you want to see his reaction. Females of age have a better chance, but Egypt doesn't display affection in public, which might send mixed messages if he does like them.
INJURE/KILL → Hurt Egypt as much as you'd like. Aww yeah. Poke me for death and near-death stuff first, if you'd please.
DEVICE HACKING → Is this even possible in WR? Egypt isn't all that tech savvy, so he won't notice a thing. Go ahead.
BACKTAGGING/THREADJACKING → I can't live without these. If you wanna threadjack, give me a heads up if it's on Egypt's post (for the sake of inbox spam), or if it looks like an important/private thread on someone else's post.
ANYTHING ELSE → If you want to learn about Egyptian and/or Muslim things, you can poke me for information? Or attempt to poke me. I've absorbed a lot of things for the sake of RP, but I wouldn't be a 100% accurate source.
DAT ACCENT → Fffff I suck at mimicking accents, and it looks strange in RP if not done properly. Pretend Egypt's English is kind of skewed, because it is. Here,
for comedic effect. Some of his phrasings are different, too, like saying "open/close the light" instead of "turn on/off the light", or "get down from the car" instead of "get out of the car". Does it make it better or worse that Egypt uses such few words to communicate?
Clothing Style → Wears the
Balamb cadet uniform from the start of the day to the end of his last class. White keffiyeh (headscarf) and green neck scarf are kept on at all times. Same goes for the gold bangle on his left wrist. Sometimes he might wear small gold hoop earrings, if he feels like bending the usual rules of dress for male Muslims. After class and on weekends he'll wear a traditional, off-white Egyptian gallibaya (long robe) with matching pants underneath.
Islam & Prayer → Prays five times every day if he can help it. Hates missing prayers. To get into specifics, Egypt is a Sunni Muslim. He's usually cool with his Coptic Christian brothers, since that used to be his main religion.
What's so funny? → Laughs loudly when A) he messes up and makes a real fool out of himself, or B) he's scared/angry. Good-natured laughs are quiet and/or brief.
Screw the fuzz! → So many issues with police, you have no idea. Blah blah blah blah.
But the military's okay, bro. → His back home, at least, since he views the Egyptian military as an extension of the people. Mandatory service and what not, many have served and protected. His own military service was fulfilled when commoners/the Egyptian public were allowed to sign up (uhh I forget the date).
NO NOT THE STICK ;A; → Italy? Egypt went easy on him because lol, it was Italy. Can actually get very scary with a stick; it's what he uses to keep away thieves and troublemakers around house and shop. Side effect from the goddamn police.
FUCKING PANDAS → Egypt really doesn't like pandas. You wouldn't like them either if they kept
fucking your shit up.
All class info has been moved