I applied about two months ago for early decision, and I got the acceptance letter today. I am back in Mechanical Engineering after a 2.5 year hiatus while I took a detour into the intricacies of the German language (a detour I enjoyed nearly every minute of, btw). I think I'll pull out Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers and dust
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So yesterday college was cancelled due to the snow. I also didn't have to drive the College Park Metro Station bus because Shuttle-UM cancelled service for the evening. Does this mean that work stopped? Not a chance
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at least, as compared to most mornings, when I cannot, at all, get out of bed before 7 am, which means I get to work/class late, which results in the secretaries getting bitchy/teacher looking at me quizzically
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For the very first time ever, my cat, happily purring in my lap as I sat here at the computer, farted. This is not a celebrated 'first,' let me tell you. Now back to writing a couple papers...
He who April Fools me today shall proceed to find the imprint of my size 9 Carolina steel toe workboots on his tush, if he is within imprinting distance
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