Fffffff so I'm sitting here at the laundromat. Which says FREE WIFI. But for some reason they have anything messenger-like blocked. So that means I can't access the pchat, the DD chatroom over at Deviantart, or AIM or AIM Express, or anything of consiquence. I even made the mistake of logging out of DA and now I can't sign back in. THANKS
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Comments 7
Also, you and your dad are my heroes. :B Building a working model of soemthing out of comics is just. plain. awesome. I DEMAND BLUEPRINTS! Or at least photos.
Fffff this one's going to be super hot.
ALSO YES. DD CHAT IS ALIIIIIIIVEEE! (or undead?) gotta make sure I made you a mod XD
And yay DD! I kind of missed DA chatrooms. X)
Cannot wait to see the Grappling hook gun! 15 feet firing range sounds sweet!, you might be able to take out some small yappy dogs. lol just kidding...
sooo excited to finish this thing JUST so I can play with it lol
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