Title: Congratulation
Pairing: Bill/Charlie gen
Rating: PG
Note: Written for the Head Boy challenge. Also, my first time here, and my first HP fic in nearly a year and a half. Wow.
His mum congratulated him with new robes she would've given him anyway, his dad with promise of a summer holiday they couldn't afford, Percy with an adoring gaze that hid ambition.
Professor McGonagall congratulated him with extra homework, Filch with a lecture on the glorious punishments of yore, Violet the painting with an offer to decorate his room.
Evan congratulated him as most boys would, asking which girl he'd sneak up first. Bill just smiled. "A lady never talks and a gentleman never tells."
It was Charlie, who was all the congratulation Bill needed. They celebrated that first night by talking into the early hours without worries of silencing charms or lights out. When they fell asleep, their hair pooled together on the pillow.