Title: Indulgence Word count: 100 Rating: Hard PG-13 Character or pairing: Bill/Tonks Challenge name: Spring Holiday Author's Note: Cross-posted at sexiest_weasley Disclaimer
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Okay, as per the poll, the first two challenges will remain open for another week. However, I'm launching 2 new ones today so I guess we'll just do overlapping stuff for the time being.
So here they are:
Challenge 003 Head BoyBill was Head Boy at Hogwarts. What did that mean to him? What did he do while he had that kind of power over other
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Just a little poll to see what people think about having another challenge starting this week instead of next week and a few other plans for the future. Open to all members/lurkers!
Hi! i just joined this community because I was inspired by kaz814 after looking at her livejournal. I've found a love for Bill inside of me. haha so i wrote this little drabble when i became intrigued by Bill/Tonks love after reading something by ragdoll .
Just wanted to say you guys are AMAZING! Only 2 days and we've gotten a ton of really great drabbles. Please keep up the good work. The more Bill-ness (Bill-ocity?) the better. The lovely and talented rhina has joined me as co-mod so hopefully we'll come up with even better challenges and stuff
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Word count: 100 Rating: G Character or pairing: Bill and Charlie Challenge name: Fire Comments: For some reason, every time I read through the challenge instructions, that song lyric just popped into my head and wouldn't leave. Sorry. Title: ( Oops )
Title: Changes Word count: 146 Rating: G Character or pairing: Bill Weasley Challenge name: 001 Earring Author's note: rhinaHe was sick of it. Completely and utterly sick of it
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