‡ Application

Sep 09, 2012 10:21

[nick / name]: Parsnip
[personal LJ name]: Parsnip_chan
[other characters currently played]: n/a
[e-mail]: jmcox1 [AT] gmail [DOT] com
[AIM / messenger]: PastinacaSativa

[series]: Darker than BLACK
[character]: April
[character history / background]:

It is difficult to separate April's history from her personality as much about her is unknown. What we do know is that 10 years prior to the start of Darker than BLACK, two 'gates' appeared: one in Japan and one in Brazil. While Hell's Gate (Japan) is given the actual appearance of one due to a man made structure that encloses the infected area, the other is, or rather was, just a plain area of effect. It is implied that it would be difficult to gain control of Heaven's Gate (Brazil) as it's right in the middle of the jungle. In fact, we do see some flashback scenes of the main character, Hei, fighting in these same jungles for that specific reason. Until five years ago when a large portion of Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean became enshrouded and cut off from the rest of the world.

It is these gates that are actually the site of strange phenomena and in some cases destruction and are the root cause, somehow, of the rise in a subset of humans: dolls and contractors.

Dolls are humans that are basically a blank slate. It is actually implied in the anime that they are 'imprinted' with a personality and memories that make them more pliable to do their job. Their basic function in this state is to act in intelligence gathering for a cell group that can consist of a human team leader (even in absentia), an offense contractor, a support contractor, and a doll. Dolls have the unique ability to control an observer spirit which can be sent through a specific media such as glass or water.

Contractor function depends entirely on what ability is given to the holder of the contract but in April's case, she was given the ability to manipulate the wind, or at least that's my head canon which says so. It's never explicitly stated what her ability is but it is used to gather water droplet's together to be released over a specific area of effect that can be as small as someone's head and as large as a city block.

Because of her contract, April is a great foil for her partner's special ability, the ability to freeze things.

In the current state of the world, we are placed in Tokyo, Japan 10 years after the first gate appearance. Mostly, it's standard espionage fare with the main character, Hei looking into Gate phenomena and gathering up artifacts that have been illegally taken out of the Gate for personal use. Underlying this standard, day to day affair, there is the EPR or Evening Primrose which is a rogue organization of contractors that have been gathered together to try and stop 'Normals' from eradicating 'Contractors.' It was this same group which is responsible for the disappearance of Heaven's Gate and their goal is to do the same thing with Hell's Gate.

If they can close it off, their existence will continue on and considering there's enough of them to fill the night sky (every time a contract is made, a star appears and every time one dies, a star falls), that's a lot of people that are being consigned to death just because they were given the option of make a contract or lose themselves and destroy everything and everyone around them (this is called going into Moratorium) which, is to say, they don't really have much choice in the matter.

But that's all beneath the surface. In relation to April, she's a member of MI-6, the British Secret Intelligence Service. She was first sent to Romania to find a Regressor (Havoc) who had been known at one time to be particularly destructive; her contract was the ability to create a vacuum wherever she willed it. She was also feared; her remuneration was to drink the blood of children. But Havoc had regressed and given up her contract, and for whatever reason, April and her cell had been sent to retrieve her and take her to PANDORA, the international research conglomerate that is in charge with trying to understand Hell's Gate.

This is the first time we see her in Darker than BLACK (Episode 5 and 6). For the most part, April remains a supporting role, taking care of July and conveying intelligence back to November 11 as he's the front runner of their little group. But the purpose of this particular mission was to try and discover what happened to Heaven's Gate as there were a finite number of stars who were active when it disappeared, Havoc's being one of them.

In addition to all of that, MI-6 was trying to discover if there was an actual connection between Havoc and the CIA as she was rumored to be a employed by them before she lost her contract. What they didn't plan on was going head to head with BK-201 (the star Messier code assigned to each Contractor when their star is born) because it is maintained in the anime that no one knows who he is as no one has survived to tell anyone. This man, of course, is Hei (although his real name is never actually given), the main character in Darker than BLACK. Therefore, the MI-6 team are in a fairly unique position and are charged with finding out the identity --and if possible the termination of-- BK-201.

After a few more story arcs, we once again see April in Episodes 15 and 16 although only at the very beginning and end of this arc. She does, however, play an important part in each scene she is shown in. At the beginning of episode 15, she is exits a club after a night full of drinking and spots February/Amber, an old renegade agent of theirs, down the alley and across the street. As her long standing mission has been to gather any intel on the missing February, she immediately gives chase and calls November 11 to give him all the facts as she knows it: name, description, description of the companion she was with including distinguishing eye color, etc. Considering the distance and the detail with which she gave, we can see April is extremely observant and has excellent vision despite the glasses we usually see her in.

However, the chase doesn't last very long as the area next to April explodes throwing her and the taxi she was about to give chase in across the street. She does survive, albeit in a temporary coma after surgery, but it's her message which prompts the story arc and actually gives rise to the overarching plot for the remainder of the series.

Amber's been located which means the end game is about to begin with Evening Primrose (Amber was the Contractor who organized this renegade group) and consequently Hell's Gate.

The next time we see April is at the end of Episode 16 when she manages to arrive on the scene just quick enough for her to use her contract to give November 11 an untouched source of water that he can use as a weapon. The person he's up against, Amber's companion we saw at the beginning of the arc, has the ability to leave a 'hand print' anywhere he chooses and with a thought or a snap of his fingers, case that object to explode.

It makes for a very dangerous terrain and April manages to make it less so with her gift. It's actually a touching reunion and suggests that November and July are more than just partners to April, considering my head canon tells me July's observer spirit summoned April right out of the hospital (and against doctor and nurse's knowledge) and April willingly sped there as fast as she could.

The next and last time we see her is in Episode 22, the second half of another 2-episode story arc. It's here that we actually see her operating without November 11 for the first time, mainly only because November 11 has gone AWOL as he researches further into the Syndicate and acknowledges that there's something more going on then meets the eye with both friend and foe alike. There really are quite a few discrepancies involved, starting with PANDORA's ties to well… everything and the Syndicate which is supposedly a terrorist operation, more like the Mafia in some regards.

However, a distinguishing feature here is that while April is still doing her job (looking out for July and doing what MI-6 tells her), we also see that she's confident in her partner and isn't actively looking for him. If November 11 doesn't want to be found, he won't be.

But she is willing to team up with the Japanese police force to look for him anyways because she is concerned despite how she doesn't try to show it. And she does, following July's instructions and getting there in time to give November 11 the support he needs, although its not much. But she does help Hei escape by distracting Misaki, the police liaison April was working with, which is actually a huge step considering she doesn't know the back story behind everything. As far as April knows, she should be trying to apprehend Hei, not give him an opportunity to escape with the help of his friends.

I'd like to think it's because she caught some type of cue from November who she could see on the floor above them.

It is a little sad, however, when we see her in the final moments of this story arc. She stands over Novembers site of death and speaks a few word's to Misaki on behalf of November 11. This arc wasn't the first time they had teamed up with Misaki after all and he had shown a bit of interest in mentoring her. So, in a way, April's continuing her partner's will because that's how much she trusts him. Both with taking care of July, mentoring Misaki one last time, and disappearing down the street, presumably to never show up again now that MI-6 is bound to come after her for knowing too much.

See, MI-6 was working with the Syndicate to eradicate all the contractors. They just never had the guts to tell their subordinates what was going on because they didn't want to lose their best man (November) and presumably their best team (April and July).

And that's what we know of her role in canon. A supporting role, but pivotal for getting November 11 to where he needed to be at the very end.

To get more in-depth into my head canon, April was born to a low to middle income family in England, working in the family pub on her days off and afterschool. Once she graduated high school, she had the opportunity to go to college, but she preferred a different approach, never one much for structure and endless studying. She was a bit young even then.

So the ever fun loving and easy going April snuck out of her room one night and took a few clothes and a couple of sandwiches and a six pack of beer and struck out across the country, touring Ireland where she grew fond of Guinness and the good nature of the Irish, and further abroad across Europe.

She picked up odd jobs when she needed them, slept outside when she didn't have money, and generally made acquaintances wherever she went and garnered an ear for language. It was a good life, spent dallying here and there and on the sly, she even took some correspondence courses, one or two on-line classes when she thought to settle down at a job for a few months at a time. And then she gained her contract and life got even better.

While my head canon doesn't say how April was recruited into MI-6, it does tell me that April was showing off a little when she was recruited. Maybe even by November 11 himself, or maybe by Amber, then known as February. And from then on, April trained. She learned basic combat skills, how to observe and what to look for. She was taught how to be an agent and her rational side ran with it, helping her to succeed and even excel. And because she did so well, and because she was such a nice compliment, April found herself paired up with November 11 since he was now without a partner due to Amber's defection. That was a little over five years ago, six to be truthful by April's reckoning and introduction into MI-6.

And after Heaven's Gate disappeared? Well, it's been an experience ever since.

[character abilities]:

As a contractor, April has several defining characteristics:

1. She's become a rational being. While Contractors do not lose their emotions (although some do as part of their remuneration), they can set aside their emotions and not let it affect their thinking process. That's what it means to be rational. They choose the option that gives them the best chances of survival and/or completing their mission. They don't take chances. They guarantee results and if it's the mission or their life on the line, well… more often then not, they'll choose the one that guarantees them survival.

2. Each time she uses her contract, April is forced to pay a price or a remuneration if you will. In April's case, she has to drink. She usually chooses to drink a Guinness. April is actually an odd case however, as she actually enjoys her remuneration unlike almost every other contractor we meet in the anime, suggesting she lives her life with no regrets.

3. As a contractor, it could be reasoned that since they lack the ability to act on their emotions without sound, logical proof that they should, Contractors are almost made to appear immune to pain and/or able to set aside their pain to get the job done. April shows this characteristic as she left the hospital after only a few days of recuperating from getting caught in the blast from an explosion. November 11 also shows this in how he was able to walk appears to be quite a distance after going one on one with his boss, December and several fellow MI-6 operatives before falling and bleeding all over the pavement.

4. As each contract exacts a price, it's a very tricky and dicey thing to be unable to fulfill one's contract. While it is never stated what happens to such a contractor, it is just about the only time we see them sweat, suggesting the compulsion is quite strong. This can actually be a deterrent because if one contractor is going full out against another, the one who win's in battle is most likely the one who is able to withstand this overarching need that falls on them.

5. Likewise, a contract CAN be paid in full. We see it in Hei who inherited his contract from his sister who presumably paid the price for him with an eternal sleep and Mao who lost his human body and resided permanently inside the cat host he found himself in. After paying the contract, the recipient or user can continue to use said contract without worries from then on. Well, besides dying of course.

6. If one is unsure who is a contractor and who is not, one merely needs to look for the blue glow that surrounds them whenever they activate a contract. Likewise, most of the time their eyes turn a distinct red color. It's not much, but it does give someone a split second to react and avoid what would presumably be certain death depending on the gift.
April's contract is also not clearly defined although we see it used on more than one occasion to create a maelstrom affect that covers a large radius such as approximately one block wide to unleash a rain of water all over the area. Perfect weather for a contractor who has a freezing ability which is what November 11 has. She really is the perfect support for November. In terms of her being able to use it on others, we can assume she can use it to reduce visibility and buffer characters around a little bit to disrupt their balance.

In addition to her contract, it is safe to assume that MI-6 would have given her at least basic combat training in firearms and hand-to-hand and also trained her in languages (she can speak Japanese fluently) and intelligence gathering.

She can also mix a mean drink when pressed to do so and her fish and chips? Phenomenal.

[character personality]:

April is, for the most part, a rational being. She's a contractor. That's what they're supposed to be but even with that in mind, April seems a bit more laid back than most. She stands in the shadows, watching, waiting, guarding November 11's back and keeping a close eye on July, the third member of their three man cell but she doesn't make it seem like she is at all. She just stand a bit behind and to the side, seemingly paying attention to nothing but herself. That's how laid back she appears.

In most cases when we see her, she is almost always in the company of July and that's because November 11 does all the field work and skulking in their group. April's there to make sure she has a way of contacting her partner on the off chance July learns something from his observer spirit, a glow-like glob that acts as an extendable pair of ears although a bit more elegantly than my description would imply. In July's case, he can move his spirit through glass; in another doll's case, it was water.

But she's usually on standby and so has learned to cultivate a great deal of patience.

She can have a temper however, as we saw at the beginning of episode 15 when she kicks the club sign over because she managed to out drink every single host in the place. Is it really so much to ask for a reliable drinking partner? One that can go one on one with her without passing out?

April also likes to joke around, although I'd like to think it's because she's spent so much time with November 11. One has to have a sense of humor when around him since his jokes are so bad. But we do see her joking around in the club, telling the club owner to make her receipt out to the British Secret Intelligence Service. Oh. But just put down the initials. S-I-S.

It's a wonderful little scene where we see her confidence and charm in full force, and it actually shows us that she's an agent for a reason. She's got a deft touch, even if she usually let's November 11 do all the smooth talking. Likewise we also see another insight into her personality. On this alone, I would say that April doesn't like to lie. Sure, she'll deflect and skirt around the issue, but she's not going to lie and she'll even be blunt about it too. So much so it automatically turns it into a joke. Another trait she shares with November 11.

She also comes prepared, often keeping a spare beer or two in her coat, even if she's not wearing much else underneath it. She's quite willing to share her booze too (although not her body unless the right conditions are met). She really does hate drinking alone although that might be because she's almost always doing it in the silent company of July, but even silent company is better than none almost.

Drawing on head canon, April is easy going, adventurous, and self-reliant. If she managed to backpack her way around Europe and Great Britain, that shows she has ingenuity and resourcefulness. She's not above doing the dirty jobs, but she'd rather keep her nails clean, and she does keep them clean, and if the state of her nails are anything to judge by, she regularly goes to a manicurist when times allows it.

She likes being pampered.

She doesn't really show her concern because her rational side always tells her people will come through, but she does feel it on occasion. Both with saving November 11 at the end of episode 16 (really, she shows up covered in bandages and definitely the worse for wear, but still manages to smile through it all), and also when July finally manages to pinpoint November 11 in Episode 22. The look on her face when she hears he's been located tells you she's both surprised November 11 let himself be found and the immediate knowledge that if he did, he did it on purpose and therefore he needed her help right then and there.

They practically flew to his side, April and Misaki, the cop she had paired up with at the bequest of MI-6 and PANDORA.

She has a hidden maternal side although she doesn't really show it all that often. The caring side of it that is. But she handles July well and sometimes wishes he would make more noise, make more demands. It'd make her time spent with him more interesting, but she really can't resent him for that at all. They're family and April would never have admitted she wanted one.

And above all, she's content. She enjoys what she enjoys and dislikes what she dislikes. She's a very mellow person, can't be moved easily but she's warm. In no instance does she ever appear cold or distant. Just warm, but even that is a block to getting to know her. How does one get past the smile she always wear be it serene, smirking or otherwise?

She doesn't let people close, but that's because she doesn't ever see herself tied down. She keeps her memories close, but doesn't dwell on them. That's why she doesn't make lasting friends, just passing acquaintances. There for an evening and then gone.

It's another reason she makes such a great agent. The life suits her.

And so she'll wave, her back turned to you and an elusive smile on her face and say good bye, until we meet again... see ya.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Post Season 1, Pre-Season 2.

[journal post]:


[A woman appears on the line, seemingly confident and highly amused.]

So am I in a dream or is this City not like the usual ones? [She pauses a moment before smiling again] So who's the lucky fella that's gonna fill me in over a drink, hmm?

[third person/log sample]:

"So November kicked the bucket huh? And he always thought the cigarettes were gonna do it to him first."

April smiled softly and cracked open a beer, not thinking of much and merely filling in the silence for a moment or two. She'd never said it, but she always thought November might have liked how the smoke curled around his face and added to his bad boy image. Until he turned green at the gills and started hacking up a lung.

Crazy health nut never could take a smoke all that well, but hell, if she wasn't gonna miss that Samba ringtone of his.

April sipped at her beer, turning to look away from the night sky. His star wasn't up there any longer and truth to be told, she always hated the sky. She much preferred the darkness of the pub or a room crammed with travelers sleeping and making it far to warm for comfort. But tonight, well… most nights lately she was waiting. Waiting to see just what that boy Hei was going to do and if Misaki pulled through for them or not.

April rather thought she would and if she didn't, April was going to make sure that she did.

A contractor never took chances after all. Smirking a bit now, April looked back over her shoulder, her eyes immediately picking out the stars of the people closest to her.

She liked waiting, the slow passage of time that was comfortable, but the last few days or so was murder with only herself to watch her back. Still, the sky for some reason was a comfort today and July standing not quite pressed up against her side watching it was more of one.

April wanted the night life, the too smoky air and the stench of bodies reeking of alcohol. But she would be a good girl for now and keep July company, like she usually did. She was taking a risk, sure, by sticking around Japan, but July didn't seem to mind and she wanted to know. Was November's death worth it in the end?

Call her sentimental, it wouldn't be the first time although she hadn't heard it in years, but there was something about this place that made her feel that way if looking at the stars and sipping at her beer was an indication.

Smiling, April dropped a hand to July's shoulder, speaking nothing, thinking nothing. Maybe there still was an illogical bone in her body after all, but what was the point of running until she was sure someone was going to come after her?

She was comfortable right here, right now.

And that was enough.


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