lesser quality ##5 - the icon is really washed out colourwise, it looks stuck between b&w + colour. the texture makes the icon look messy, esp with a closeish crop + it being in her hair ##8 - the icon lacks contrast, particularly on her left eye and lips + down, overall the icon looks overexposed.
lesser quality #5 - the texture used is unflattering, awful word, but it looks like billie has coffee stains on her head. it's also oversharpened. #8 - billie's skin lacks details, it's just vast spaces due to whatever effect you've used. it's also been oversharpened, especially around the right eye. the left eye is also too red and dark.
farvorite #1 - nice natural colouring and a great crop.
Ack, sorry, it should be lesser 05-The texture makes the icon look a little too grungy over Billie's hair & 06-The icon looks a bit too washed out and pale
lesser quality 10 - I love the coloring but the white space around Billie (where the cut out was made) takes from the overall effect 05 - Very creative but the dark spots are distracting and becomes more of the focus of the icon
lesser quality 05 - The coloring chosen is too dark and really unflattering, the crop doesn't bring anything interesting to the icon as there's no focus. 08 - The coloring is too bright and blurry on the left part of the icon, and the left part is oversharpened.
Comments 12
##5 - the icon is really washed out colourwise, it looks stuck between b&w + colour. the texture makes the icon look messy, esp with a closeish crop + it being in her hair
##8 - the icon lacks contrast, particularly on her left eye and lips + down, overall the icon looks overexposed.
#5 - the texture used is unflattering, awful word, but it looks like billie has coffee stains on her head. it's also oversharpened.
#8 - billie's skin lacks details, it's just vast spaces due to whatever effect you've used. it's also been oversharpened, especially around the right eye. the left eye is also too red and dark.
#1 - nice natural colouring and a great crop.
05 - The texture makes the icon look a little too grungy over Billie's hair
05 - The icon looks a bit too washed out and pale
01 - Lovely colour and crop
10 - I love the coloring but the white space around Billie (where the cut out was made) takes from the overall effect
05 - Very creative but the dark spots are distracting and becomes more of the focus of the icon
11 - crop and coloring are very pretty
05 - The coloring chosen is too dark and really unflattering, the crop doesn't bring anything interesting to the icon as there's no focus.
08 - The coloring is too bright and blurry on the left part of the icon, and the left part is oversharpened.
11 - fantastic coloring
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