Title: Everything
billpickleRating: PG
Pairing: BB
Word Count: 2,151
Spoilers: If you've seen the S5 promos, particularly
this one, I'd say you're good. Also, This one's also got a bit of a reference to S2's The Boneless Bride in the River.
A/N: Title comes from the Lifehouse song of the same name, though I had Jason Mraz's If It Kills Me and Rosie
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Comments 59
God, if only it could play out like this on the show!
We'll just have to wait and see what they do on the show, I guess. Not too long now!
Thanks for reading this, I appreciate it greatly.
Seriously. I was about to post and decided to refresh my friends page and there it was.
This was fabulous. I was craving promo-inspired fic, too. You did such a wonderful job fleshing out what could have been in the scenes shown in the promos.
You know I love me some Cam, and I'm so glad you included that scene in the bar with her and Booth. You've got both their voices down; are you sure you wouldn't like to indulge in some Cam/Booth? ;)
I absolutely adored this entire thing, especially the ending. I really liked how you brought back the scene and the tie-in from Boneless Bride because I've always loved that ep for what I think Booth and Brennan both learned.
Oh, and I loved Booth's line about the playoff beard. Of course I did.
You have made the promos so much better for me. Thanks for sharing! ♥
I was totally writing this fic as a stand-alone piece to play off of Boneless Bride, but I was unable to contain my excitement via promo and it kinda just blossomed that way. Heh.
First of all.
a) The Cam and Booth scene? Totally for you. This is as close as you're getting to anything for now. Key words being: for and now. ;)
b)Playoff beard line! Again. For you.
Thank you tons, for reading ♥. I swear, positive feedback makes me second-guess myself a little less. :P
(Also think I have caught some kind of capslock fever off of Loosi).
I can't even begin to quote bits back at you because I'd be quoting the WHOLE DAMN THING. I just want to wrap this up as canon and be done with it!
*mems mems mems*
I can't even begin to quote bits back at you because I'd be quoting the WHOLE DAMN THING.
I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN HOW GIDDY THIS MAKES ME. (Oh, noes. I think I've caugh capslock fever as well).
And here's to season 5, eh? Cheers, baby.
What's it now? Like... a little less than 3 weeks?
I am so incredibly excited about that.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate it unconditionally! I'm happy that you thought that reading this was like drinking some champagne. Just be careful on the ride home, kay?
P.S. Booth can be my DD, yes?
P.S. Booth can be my DD, yes?
Absolutely! Of course, I'll have to warn you in advance... there is much of time, when he is my DD. :)
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