I was supposed to score my license today, but one of my mom's brake light's broke

Aug 05, 2005 14:59

Yeah... I'm making an appointment right now for next week. Here she goes: Next Thursday, 1:30 PM. Printed and everything.

I practiced last night and everything. I was ready to rip the test a new hole. I guess i'll just practice some'more. Fuck a brake light.

In other newsI might dye my hair! 0_o Golden brown/blonde. I don't know. I just say ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

unspeakableevil August 5 2005, 20:23:00 UTC
Damn, that sucks...this world was not made for broken brake lights...


firestarter713 August 5 2005, 21:01:07 UTC
Aw, yess! You got the class! :D ... And I wish I was taking Painting or Music Appreciation, but I'm sure both are full, so American Govt it is. (Kill me now.)

PS. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEAAAASE let me help you with the hair dying!! If there's one think I know, it's beautification. ;P


meanstotheend August 9 2005, 12:16:23 UTC
I keep putting off my license crap. I guess I'll go to the Husani school of driving. BTW, go here http://home.btconnect.com/gitty/sounds/suicide/ and get suicide kiss. Awesome song.


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