Sep 09, 2005 21:02

Someone's getting fucking punched in the face!

Nah... just kidding.. iF anyone wants to get punched in the face though; fuck, i'm free.


change of pace

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Comments 3

meanstotheend September 10 2005, 01:23:34 UTC
im not busy, but im not sure im into the whole idea. wats up man?


billslates September 10 2005, 16:04:41 UTC
Fucking motherfuckers, dude. Dear god, man. I was just so angry ( ... )


billslates September 10 2005, 16:07:17 UTC
ALso, fuck. What's the deal with the computers on the first floor of the green library. If i'm not sitting next to some guy looking at porn, most of the comps are broken; and now have mouse balls missing...

One time back in the days where I would chill at the library by Coral Reef(Coral Reef library), we sat next to this dude. He was kinda nice. Some of the more bold/nosier kids looked at what he saw. They told me when he left that he was looking at kiddie porn. 0_o;


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