Interesting Things About Today:

Nov 19, 2010 19:32

-Went to my high school and talked to my sister's dramam class about university. They weren't interested by any means
-Alex gets to meet Tim Burton on Tuesday. this is for real, Tim Burton is going to look at some work Alex did last year
-I bought tickets to see the Decemberists in February
-Saw 'Deathly Hallows' at midnight tonight

Sweet deal.

They FINALLY, after almost ten years, taught the main characters how to act!!! It was such a lovely surprise, and I'm being completely serious. They were all so wonderfully understated, no more of the over-acting they had in the previous movies (think of the scene in PoA where Harry's just found out that Sirius is his godfather), and it was just really nice to watch. That scene with Harry and Hermione in the tent? You know the one I'm talking about. Brilliant! I'll admit, the craziest part of my brain was kind of hoping for a legitimate ship-y moment (yeah, I'm one of those people), even though I knew it wasn't going to happen. But it was wonderful. And hilarious. And awkward. And awesome.
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say. I enjoyed it, a lot more than I enjoyed the book, which doesn't really surprise me, as it's pretty obvious the book was written to be a movie (what other explaination can you come up with for all the explosions?). Excited for part two!!!
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