Apr 16, 2009 04:31
Hah... it's another different story but some elements remain...
New exciting details follow patterns that had been dormant for a short while but are now warming up again. And - what matters - the heat's the same. :)
Mar 10, 2009 03:24
what was he thinking?
touch and go isn't an expression to be taken literally.
Mar 10, 2009 03:15
when can silver look so precious?
As you reach to touch the shiny colour, can you anticipate the feel?
Jan 19, 2009 19:54
Worn out
and cold
It's not the cold but the dark silence...
When there's a flash of light
it brings interest
of what kind
it's hard to define, but it's a distraction.
The footsteps of tired people
who nevertheless can be noisy...
Nov 27, 2008 15:14
Like drinking stolen champagne
hidden beneath the trees in the garden
leaves, barks and trunks
the chills and the bubbles and
the goosebumps
sudden laughs and deep breaths
no one cares
if they can't see you.
Nov 22, 2008 17:25
I think I noticed it the first time I saw it. Can't deny the mix of allure and curiosity...
Inner rhymes and alliterations. How can somebody get it so right
in just a name???
Oct 09, 2008 14:30
If the Beatles were pop, they were pop with quality. It's hard to talk about pop with quality nowadays when you have things like XFactor creating a bunch of carbon copies of original xeroxes?
pop music,
writer's block,