Sorry to be interrupting when I haven't been so prolific with the comments lately, or, um, at all, but I was wondering.
Not a fic, but a memoir. Er. Ish?
A very short memoir, anyway.
The first time I saw Toy Soldiers, I completely didn't pick up on any Billy/Joey vibes. I had just read
irisbleufic's Book of Hours and the preceding Series, so I thought I was all set--and then I just didn't get it. I thought it would be plausible, as the two are clearly close, but that it was pushing things a little far to see slash.
Then I saw the movie again. Well, to be honest, twice more all the way through, and then several times little clipped bits.
The first thing I noticed was the way Billy says Joey's name so carefully--like he's handling something fragile or precious--when Joey first brings up the machine guns. Nothing more than "Joey," but said so sweetly it seemed to say volumes. Then I realized just how many little touches they share--a helping hand here, an elbow there, not to mention just plain Billy, whose complete inability to understand the concept of personal space seems exacerbated around Joey.
What really made it for me, though, was the scene with the 900 number. The other three boys get really into Jennifer (NO PUN INTENDED PLEASE). Joey just seems kind of disinterested; he's in it for the fun, but he's not wrapped up in it the way that, say, Hank is, and may I add that that was hilarious. Billy, as the one who set the entire thing up, one would expect to be more interested than anyone else. Instead, he treats it as a joke, half-sprawled across the table and trying not to laugh.
Right then, I knew.
What convinced you?