Title: Ice
Rating: R. Ish.
Warnings/Notes: Written for my private Not Exactly NaNo challenge (a snippet a day for all of November), as well as the usual fanfic100 challenge. No prizes for guessing the weather. :-) Billy/Joey, AU content.
Summary: (
In which Billy attempts an R rating, but fails due to it being November. )*
Title: Letters Sent
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: Written for NENN and fanfic100. Post canon.
Summary: (
The headmaster of Regis School writes to a friend about recent events. )*
Title: On Rational Observation
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: Pre-canon. Fanfic100 as usual.
Summary: (
Hank's mostly sure they're straight. Mostly. )*
Title: Someone Else's Story
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: Fourth
Road Trip story. Do I even need to mention the fanfic100 tie-in?
Summary: (
It's easy to overlook what's going on around you. )