So technically, it’s day two (the evening of the night in fact) and I am 'recovering'
Basically, last night we went out...and that was that. We were meant to go to one of my favourite club, Uprawr, for their second birthday do. However when we got there, about 15 minutes after the doors had opened, the line already wasn't moving and was HUGE. What really annoyed me, was that the club staff were letting, who I can only assume were their mates, cut in front to get in. After forty five minutes and having moved about one metre and seen about ten people cut in front, we gave up. (By the way, I did leave a complaint on the clubs facebook page about the cutting in, and their response was 'Dude, everyone got in, in the end.' Yeah, nice.)
We decided to make our way down to another club that was reopening. We got in after probably fifteen minutes, which was much more acceptable in the rain and cold! Of course by this time we had sobered up and so a good bout of shots and drinking was done. I blame this in part for my kissing two boys from the same group (although no further!) Needless to say today was a bit of a shock when I woke up.
I tend to think that I have wasted the holidays, so I have decided that I am going to make an acommplishment entry (or try to) each day, so I don't feel so pathetic. So below, is what I have managed today.
Cleaned kitchen
Cleaned bathroom
Kitchen floor
Cleaned room
Physio exercises
Driving Revision
Marked Old Books
Not a bad days work when you consider my hangover only subsided around 3pm!