NAME; Mail Jeevas (goes by Matt)
SERIES; Death Note
AGE; 16 (aged down about three years)
GRADE; Junior (11th grade)
-Parents died at a young age (reason unknown)
-Raised at Wammy’s House, a privately owned orphanage which raised young geniuses to take over for the best detective in the world
-friends with Mello, the second-ranking of L’s heirs.
-Matt was the third-ranking student.
-Matt was not involved with Mello’s mafia group.
-After Mello lost the Death Note, Matt helped him spy on the suspects.
-Matt was the decoy in Mello’s scheme to kidnap Kira’s spokeswoman, and was shot down by her bodyguards.
None. He’s just really smart.
-Mail is from Winchester, England. His parents were Elise and Zachary Jeevas.
-Note the was. His parents died in a car crash when Mail was five. He lived with an aunt for about a year, but she didn’t have stable employment and was caught stealing from a job she did get. Her guardianship of Mail was taken away.
-Mail was sent to four foster care families from the time he was six. He’s mostly lived around London--not the city proper, but outlying buroughs.
-He got into building computers at his second house, when he was ten. The other kids kept breaking things, and Mail liked putting them back together.
-Started calling himself “Matt” when he was twelve because he disliked his confusing first name.
-He’s been in his latest home for two years. This family was more encouraging and suggested he go into computer engineering. This is why he decided to attend the Academy. It’s easier to get into American colleges-where the best computer science programs are-by attending an American boarding school.
Matt is that slacker nerd. You know the one. The guy who’s damn smart, but who just doesn’t bother with school. Oh, he does well enough to pass, and he does great on tests, but he’s got other things on his mind. English? A ten page report on Tolstoy? That’s boring when you can be playing videogames and modding computers. He doesn’t really have ADD, though it may come off that way. No, he can spend all day working on programs. He just doesn’t have any sense of discipline when it comes to schoolwork. After being able to get high marks without much real effort for most of his life, he doesn’t really know-or care-how to study or focus on classwork.
Most of the time Matt is rather reserved, preferring his computer to face-to-face human interaction. He does not like being in large crowds. If things start to get loud he’ll probably take out a gameboy and plug headphones into it so he doesn’t have to deal with people. But just because he’s got his game out doesn’t mean he’s not listening. He can pay attention to two things at once, and doesn’t see it as rude to do something else while a person’s talking. He has a big problem with this. Matt is very casual, and doesn’t really care much whether he comes off as rude to other people. So he can be very sarcastic and short.
But when he does manage to make a friend, Matt is incredibly loyal. He’ll tell his friends when they’re being unreasonable, but he’ll still stick up for them unless they do something absolutely terrible. And even then, if he thinks they did it for the right reasons he’ll just roll his eyes and help them out. Though he doesn’t usually like working with other people, Matt can easily fall into the follower role.
On a whole Matt is a very laid back individual. He’s difficult to rile up, and if someone’s annoying him he’ll most likely tease them for a while, then get bored and go do something else. He doesn’t really judge people for their opinions, so he’s pretty easy to get along with if you can deal with the snark. He doesn’t worry a whole lot-typically he lives in the present rather than worrying about the future or past. But this can get him into trouble. Matt has a tendency to overlook things that may be important and just assume he has all the right information. If Matt is in a tight spot, he’ll try to make jokes to cover up his fear.
Games, programming, and electronics are Matt’s specialty. He’s a computer genius and he absolutely knows it. He may feel anxious in social situations, or bored and a bit awkward in humanities classes, but he is very proud of his skills with all things digital and tends to relax more when he’s in a computer/gaming environment.
Misc info about AU, updated when I think of it.
-Was in first foster home from age 6 to 9
-Second home from age 9 to 11
-Third home from age 11 to 14
-His latest care family is the Hartleys, parents Jeannie and Brent, with their biological daughter Natalie (age 13). They also foster a younger boy named Jacob.