Nothing special

Nov 07, 2007 17:37

So, I’m finally awake enough to do something. I think a visit to my doctor is necessary, because my need for sleep isn’t normal in my opinion. I’m tired the whole day, I doze off around 8pm and sleep until 6am and I’m still tired. It is bothering me, because I have a lot to learn and it’s not easy when I’m tired and doze off so early.

Anyway, now I ( Read more... )

sleep, csi, school

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Comments 11

jalola November 7 2007, 18:40:19 UTC
Normally, there were always one or two people who made pics from the new CSI episodes, but now I can’t find them. Maybe they also have no fun with CSI anymore.

I have noticed a real drop in CSI posts and responses over the last few weeks. Posts that I think should have gotten more response are getting nothing. A couple of times Oh_No_Nicky has gone a few days between posts and Only_Nicky went a full week. Not even a fic posting which is unusual.

I'm looking for other shows to take over from CSI. I'm tired of being so negative. I want to love a show again.

There's definitely a change going on in the CSI fandom.


bine83 November 10 2007, 17:40:13 UTC
I also noticed this. The main problem for me is the lack of continuity in a lot of stories, Grissom's change, GSR, Sara's appendage role as Grissom's girlfriend, Greg (he can leave with Sara) and the labrats taking over the show.
I think a lot of fans are frustrated about different things on the show and instead to focus on the team as a whole, they gave more screentime to the labrats instead.

I'm also tired of being so angry and negative, but I don't want to get so deep into a show again like I did with CSI. I'm afraid that my expectations for a show will never come true. I'm enyoing Grey's, NCIS and Heroes right now without getting into the fandom and it works really good.

I just want George to leave the show, so that I can also stop watching it.


fuesch November 7 2007, 18:53:44 UTC
I know that problem. I'm an night owl, so when I sleep at normal times I'm usually tired all day :o/.

Yeah, seems like some great people have left the CSI fandom :o(.
You could cap the episodes yourself with VLC player.

Ah yes, Supernatural is so the new X-Files! ♥
I get all fangirly when I find similaries between the two shows (which is all the time).


bine83 November 10 2007, 17:48:12 UTC
I found out this week that I shouldn't sleep more than 6 hours, because otherwise I'm tired the whole day. I think it's true that too much sleep isn't healthy.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it sometime. But can I also cap only a few scenes or do I have to cap the whole episode?

I heard that there will be a new x-files movie next summer a crossover with Supernatural would be great. *lol*


fuesch November 15 2007, 19:14:47 UTC
I wish I only needed 6 hours of sleep.

I don't know if it's possible to cap the whole episode. And the problem with caping scenes is that you can't move frame by frame. You can only try to pause at the right moment and then make your cap.

Ooh, yes, the 2nd X-Files movie, I'm so excited!
Haha, yeah, I'd love a crossover between TXF and Supernatural!


softcake_70 November 7 2007, 20:39:37 UTC
I'm always tired now, too... I blame it on the weather, but maybe you should go and see a doc *is worried*

And I'm relieved I'm not the only one who's losing interest in CSI. I'm still eagerly waiting to dl it every week and I adore Nick, but I'm not that excited about the show itself anymore. I even think CSI NY is much better these days *facepalm*
I noticed a lot of fangirls turned to Supernatural... there are some familiar names in the SPN communities (like fuesch and some others I've known from the CSI comms^^ I'm totally addicted to SPN, I have to confess ;)
And Heroes is just awesome. (No fangirl material for me, though, but the show itself just rocks!)


bine83 November 10 2007, 17:58:46 UTC
I slept good the last days, because I tried to sleep about 6 hours and not longer and it worked really good, I wasn't tired. I'll try to work on this new sleep schedule the next weeks and when this won't work then I'll ask my doc what could be wrong.

I'm still eagerly waiting to dl it every week and I adore Nick, but I'm not that excited about the show itself anymore.

ITA with you. And I only skip forward to the Nick scenes, I don't know when I saw a whole episode the last time. I'm just not interested in the other characters, especially GSR and Greg.

Not only SPN but also Stargate Atlantis seems to be the new "CSI" for a lot of fans. So far I don't have a new fandom which brings me into the fangirl mood. Nick is still my fave, but it's so hard to watch CSI, because I know that there won't be a GD fallout or other good stories for him. =(


bea80 November 8 2007, 00:17:01 UTC
+squee+ Du kuckst auch H und SPN? Komm' in meine Arme, Schwester +knuffels+ ... SPN & H rocken ... :oD

Na, dann hoffe ich mal, dass Du noch Bilder gefunden hast ...

Ja, geh' mal zum Arzt. Und dann kannst Du Dich ja gleich wegen Therapie erkundigen. Nur so ein Gedanke von mir ;o) ...


bine83 November 10 2007, 18:05:27 UTC
Ja, sind wirklich gute shows, aber ich bin da nicht so verrückt nach wie ich bei CSI war. Aber das ist irgendwie auch besser so, es ist ziemlich anstrengend sich in eine show hineinzusteigern vor allem wenn man immer entäuscht wird.

CSI Bilder hab ich keine gefunden, bin extra in eine neue com gegangen, aber sogar da haben die keine neuen CSI pics.

Wie ich oben schon gesagt habe, ich hab mal ausprobiert weniger zu schlafen und es hilft wirklich. Ich darf maximal 6-7 Stunden schlafen und dann war ich die letzten 2 Tage auch nicht mehr müde. Ich muss jetzt probieren ob ich das diese woche auch schaffe und wenns nicht klappt dann geh ich mal zum Doc. =)


anuminis November 9 2007, 18:42:12 UTC
ah's Leben war in den letzten Wochen n bisschen heftig, deswegen konnt ich keine icons machen, aber wenn du ein paar basen brauchst ich habe geupdatet^^

und zuviel Schlaf is eh ungesund, als ich depr war hab ich auch immer nur geschlafen, allerdings tags über, nachts war ich hell wach^^°


bine83 November 10 2007, 18:14:36 UTC
Ich hab auch ein paar neue icons gemacht und dabei sind auch ein paar böse Sara icons (ich weiß gar nicht ob ich die posten soll *lol*). Ja ich kenn das nur zu gut, ich hab jetzt seit Wochen endlich mal ein bißchen Zeit und wollte dann auch mal wieder kreativ werden, aber ich muss mal ein paar neue tutorials suchen.

Ich werd vielleicht drauf zurückgreifen, aber deine Bases sehen immer so gut aus, dass ich ein schlechtes Gewissen habe die zu "verunstalten",*lol* außerdem mag ich es mir die Pics selbst zuzuschneiden, wenn du weißt was ich meine.

Ja, das hab ich auch gemerkt.
Ich hab die letzten Tage maximal 6-7 Stunden geschlafen und es geht mir deutlich besser. Trotzdem kann ich nicht dagegen ankämpfen falls ich doch mal wieder so früh einschlafe, das ist echt doof. Ich probier auf jeden Fall meinen 6 Stundenschlafrhythmus einzuhalten, mal sehen ob es auf Dauer was bringt. =)


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