I thought about CSI and what we’ll get in the next 7 or 8 episodes. Jorja Fox said in an interview that she probably comes back to the show, but I don’t think that this will happen in this season. Then we had spoilers for a Catherine storyline, but I think that the few episodes we have are to less to deal with her story. So, what’s left... Nick’s
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Comments 6
ich hab noch gar nichts von spoilern gehoert. Also ich bin fuer alle Spoiler die mir irgendwer geben kann dankbar =) Und ich hoffe ja auf nen paar gute Nick-Storylines. How come he is the bad guz anzways? Jedesmal wenn irgend nen scheis gemacht werden soll, muss Nick herhalten? Nicht das Grave Danger schlecht war, oder der Stalker oder was sonst noch so passietr ist, aber langsam entwickelt sich das in ne Daily soap.
Ich steh ja total auf Personal Drama, wenns gut gemacht ist, was bei CSI leider selten der Fall ist. Nick's stories hatten alle sehr viel Potential nur leider sind diese dem Non-Continuity-Fluch zum Opfer gefallen.
Ich vermisse die ersten Folgen. =(
And I totally forgot about the Lab love. I don't believe that Billy or Marg will leave in such a chaos, I think they will at least stick around for season 9. And yes there is still the Warrick story, so I think that we'll mainly see Warrick and Lablove. Somehow I can understand George, they gave him the Kristy story and though Stalker, Who Are You and Grave Danger had great potential the writers missed the possibilities. I as an actor would be frustrated with these roles and unfinished stories.
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