[requests] SGA/SG-1

Oct 03, 2006 18:56

Still don't have enough icons for that SGA-post. But because kukalaka and scicavias asked for these already weeks (months?) ago, I'm just gonna post their icons now and everything else comes later. :)

scicavias asked for Critical Mass!Zelenka, you know the one with the kids decoration. ;)

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icons: stargate atlantis, requests

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Comments 9

chani_atreides October 3 2006, 16:57:22 UTC

Hübsche Icons^^


bingbulette October 3 2006, 16:59:45 UTC
LOOOOOOL! Ich hab schon welche gemacht! Da hab ich aber auch noch nicht genug, die poste ich dann wahrscheinlich zusammen mit den SGA icons.
Aber sie kommen! Versprochen! ^^


scicavias October 3 2006, 18:58:55 UTC
Ich lieeebe es! Vielen, vielen Dank!


bingbulette October 8 2006, 16:33:08 UTC
Bitte, bitte und ich liebe, dass du es liebst. +lol+


kukalaka October 8 2006, 15:08:22 UTC
Dankeeeeeee! Ich find es toll. Hach, die Farben sind so schön. Das andere ist auch richtig toll. :)


bingbulette October 8 2006, 16:32:27 UTC
Yaaay! Ich freu mich, dass es dir gefällt! :D


rushingwind October 10 2006, 05:48:39 UTC
Hi. This is kind of unrelated to this post, sorry. :( You created a Rodney/Teyla icon that this lady has here, in her userpics. Well, I'm starting up a Rodney/Teyla fanlisting, and finding R/T icons is hard. I was wondering if you'd allow me to post that particular icon on my site? I'll credit you and provide a link back to this icon journal too.

Thanks in advance. ^_^


bingbulette October 13 2006, 20:53:14 UTC
Shure thing, go ahead, as long as there's a link back to me I'd be happy to give my part in the Rodney/Teyla-love. :)

I'd love to see the fanlisting when it's online (or is it already?), so I can participate. ;)


rushingwind October 14 2006, 04:29:25 UTC
Thank you so much! :)

It's on http://elementalopposites.rushing-wind.net/ if you want to see it! ^_^


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