Title: Dong Le (Understood)
Characters: Junsu/OC
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Length: Chaptered
A/N: Each chapter is a stand-alone and would each have a different pairing. Story based on the song by Tank entitled "Dong Le."
Summary: Will Chie continue to be scared of taking it to the next level?
No longer need to worry about anything,
No longer need to be afraid of anything,
We're both tired, sleepy, let's hold hands and enter our dreams.
“Meet me up where the lonely tree is at 8 pm. I would wait even if it’ll be way past the time. I need to tell you something. This will be the last time if you don’t show up. Please be there Chi,”
Chie pressed the end button and sighed. She’s been listening to the voice message Junsu sent her for the nth time. It’s not that she doesn’t want to come, or that she can’t come. She’s just torn on whether she’s ready to hear what he’s planning to tell her or not.
Chie first met Junsu when she decided to join the school’s Music Club. He was a senior whom she fell in love with the moment she heard him singing “Propose,” his voice sounded so sweet, and when she looked at him, he had that cute smile on his face. She just felt her heart scurry off to him.
After that, the fates seemed to have conspired in her favor; both of them grew close to each other. So close, enough for other people to say they’re exclusively dating already. They’re not but the feeling they have for each other is evident. Like what her friends say, all they need is formality, all they need is to put a name in their relationship.
Actually, for a few times now, Junsu has been setting dates which she didn’t show up in. He’s been saying he has to tell her something, and she’s quite sure those words would define the real status of their relationship. Truth be told, she’s worried and scared, “Does Junsu really feel the same way I do?” “How will things change between us afterwards?” “Are we ready for a relationship beyond sempai-kouhai?” So many questions just keep popping in her mind, she just finds herself sending him a message to tell him she is unable to come. But tonight is different, it seems like Junsu is fed up with her and she knows she has to make a decision now.
The path to the plain where the lonely tree (the tree which stands alone and apart from the other trees which can be seen in their school thus branded the ‘lonely’ tree by the students) is located is actually well-lighted but the journey is exhausting because though the road isn’t rough it’s inclined in somehow steep way. Chi can feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead.
Yes, she decided to come. Realizing it is better to live with “oh wells” than with “what ifs.” Junsu has been nothing but brave and straight-forward with everything, and it would be unfair to him if she wouldn’t even hear him out. “That’s it Chi, face him, face your feelings. No need to be afraid.”
When she finally stepped on the plain, Chie immediately saw Junsu’s form. Sitting in the middle of a blanket which was laid out just under the lonely tree, he was surrounded with candle-shaped lamps formed into a heart. The sight made her heart race, and when he looked up at her with a smile etched on his handsome face, she knew there really was nothing to be afraid of.
“Chi, you came!” the relief in his voice was evident. “Come here, sit with me.”
She slowly approached to where he is seated, removing her shoes before stepping on the blanket and sitting beside him. For a while they shared a comfortable silence, before she felt him hold her hand. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you don’t have to be. What’s important is you’re here now, Chi.”
“I was scared, you know, my mind was filled with so many questions.”
“I know you were,” he squeezed her hand. “Are you still…scared?’
“Not anymore. I knew the answer to everything the moment I saw you here.”
“That’s a relief, then.” She felt Junsu’s arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. And there, with the cold breeze blowing, the dark sky illuminated by the stars out that night, she heard him whisper, the words she used to be scared of hearing, “Chie, will you be my kanojo? Will you be my girlfriend? I love you Chi.”
She turned to him and whispered back, “Hai! I love you too Su.”
Chie felt Junsu’s lips press on hers. His soft lips moved against hers slowly, teaching, coaxing her to return his passionate kisses with the same intensity and she just followed his lead. They pulled apart for a breather, and that was when she noticed that they were already lying down on the blanket.
Looking up at the stars, Junsu held her hand once more. “Let’s sleep here tonight, Chi.”
She only nodded in response, and felt his arms envelope her in a hug. And she knew she is right where she belongs to, where her heart is.
“Good night girlfriend.”
“Good night boyfriend.”
Dong Le. It was understood and Chie there is nothing to worry and feel scared about giving their relationship a name.
>This is un-beta-ed.
>A fanfic for the birthday girl
raindrop_symph…Advance HAPPY BIRTHDAY Soulmate!!! Saengilchukahae!!! ^-^