I like doing these retarded little things...

Jun 29, 2005 13:07

Red: In the last 24 hours have you..
Cried? yup...last night at about 12:15
Hugged someone? umm...i think so
Kissed someone? nope
Lied? I dont think so 
Snuck out of your house? Nope
Laughed really hard? Yep.
Gotten sick? Nope
Hung out with a friend? no...i've been alone
Got your feelings hurt? yeah, actually
Been lied to? Not that I know of

Orange: What Would You Do...
If you saw someone shoplift? wouldnt make much difference to me...unless it was someone i knew
If a loved one died? probably go numb and retreat inside myself
If a friend lied to you?  Depends on what they lied about.
If your GF // BF were cheating on you? Cry....ask them why....break up with them most likely
If something really embarrasing happened to you? Probably get all stupid about it and react like im 3, cuz for some reason, thats what i do
If someone insulted you? Depends on whether they're joking or not...probably get offended tho
If you found out a teacher at your school was a drug dealer // Child Rapist? be extremely creeped out 
If you found out someone in your family was stealing stuff from someone else in your family?  Depends on what was stolen 
If you found out your Dad was on Viagra? AH! why would i want to think about that?
If something really bad happened to you? That's a pretty vague question.
If you sliced your finger off or something else? probably freak out and eventually faint

Yellow: Your Emotions..
Do you tend to cry a lot? No
Are you really emotional? inwardly, yes
Do you get really bad mood swings? sometimes...but usually no
Do you tend to get annoyed easily? Yea
What annoys you the most? Stupid people, ignorant people that talk like they are experts, fakeness
Do your feelings get hurt easily? yes, especially if im in a bad mood already
If another person said something mean about you, would it matter to you what they said?  well, i would wanna know...but if it was something stupid i would just brush it off
Does it bother you if people talk shit on you? Yes, unfortunately, i really hate it when people dont like me
Does food change how you feel? well, if i havent eaten in hours and then i eat something, it usually makes me feel better
Have you ever cut // done drugs to feel better? No...i'm too much of a goodie goodie for that

Green: Your Apperance..
Are you tall or short? tall-ish for a girl....more medium actually
What color hair do you have? Blonde
Do // have you dyed your hair? Yea...if highlights count
What color eyes do you have? Green-blue...and they change
Do you have glasses // contacts? no
Do you want color contacts? No
Do you think you’re attractive? Some days...others i think im ugly 
Do other people think your attractive? I dont really know....i know my boyfriend does but he doesnt count ;) 
If your a girl do you wear make up? only sometimes....i usually hate it...makes me feel like i have bacon grease smeared on my face sometimes 
What color looks best on you? i dunno....i like browns and blues and greens

Blue: Your Social Life..
What group are you in at school? i dunno....my group of friends. we dont have a label 
How did you get into that clique? I wouldnt call it a clique really...we're just friends and have been since forever 
Is there a group you wish you were in? No
Is there a clique your clique hates? Just mean people... 
What do you normally do on the weekends? recently, pretty much nothing....but thats usually when i see my boy 
You go on single dates // group dates? I've done both and i like both....but i think single are best 
What would you do for a first date? Movie. its not intimidating and there something else to focus on if you're nervous
Do you go to parties? Yea...but not too often....people are scared to invited me sometimes because i dont drink

What is your "Label"? i dont know how people catagorize me...but if i were to label myself, i would say im a Dork

Purple: You Wish..
If you had three wish's what would they be? 1. Not have to worry about money. to have enough that im secure and can give to other people  2. to make it as a successful writer so that i could work on my own time.  3. that i was able to express myself better and more clearly so that my friends and I could understand each other better 
Why would they be your wishes?  I dunno....just stuff that i want 
If you could gave your best friends anything, what would it be? i would give them all happiness and love because with those two things, anyone can accomplish anything 
Why would you give them that? i think i already explained why well enough
What is your "Dream House"? i dunno...something medium in size near some sort of body of water with bay windows and hardwood floors 
What is your "Dream Car"? a silver VW Beetle (convertable too, maybe) 
What is your "Dream Life"? just a life that includes happiness and love and security and a job i dont hate 
What characteristics would your Perfect BF/husband have? doesnt matter....i think i already have him anyways
What would they look like? like i said, i already have him...just look at some pictures
Where would you live? i dunno...somewhere in Europe at least for a while....probably Germany

Pink: Love
What characteristics do you look for in a BF? someone who can make me laugh...and someone who genuinely cares
Apperance wise, what are you attracted to? eyes, smile 
How long was your longest relationship? 16 months and still going :)

Why do you think it lasted that long? Because we love each other...why else?   
Who was your favorite GF // BF? Dustin...the current one 
Why were they your favorite? Because we are totally weird together and neither one of us is afraid to be ourselves...we have fun! 
Who broke your heart?  Bob
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