My Older Sister Is Cooler Than Your Older Sister (except for Clare. Ours are equally cool.)

May 06, 2005 02:15

Well, I've mostly been doing schoolwork. I went to a workshop to finish binding my book. There were only three other people there. One of them was my ex-boyfriend. You know, the one associated with the tampon incident. Today, I apparently celebrated Cinco de Mayo. I can translate that, but I still don't know what it means ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

e_clare86 May 6 2005, 12:45:50 UTC
dude, are you sure it's a slug? i got a chicken and a pig and i also got a wind up peice of looks a bit like a slug but it is in fact sushi :)


e_clare86 May 6 2005, 12:46:08 UTC
love you and miss you, you are the best


e_clare86 May 6 2005, 12:46:24 UTC
along with elizabeth of course... xoxox


binkuswinkus May 7 2005, 05:02:14 UTC
You too, Clare. I don't think I'm going to make it to see you this summer, and it is so sad.


zizz May 6 2005, 21:45:47 UTC
uh, yeah. it's actually sushi. but sushi's raw and kind of slimy and so are slugs. so there. and my younger sisters are better than yours too. so there again.


Sushi Slugs Are Fun. binkuswinkus May 7 2005, 05:03:37 UTC
We really do think highly of ourselves. But we'd only be lying to ourselves if we didn't. What a waste of time that would be.


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