When I said that a constant enemy would improve my writing, I didn't actually mean I wanted one

May 12, 2005 01:59

My roommate Kyle turned twenty-two today. He threw a modest party (about a dozen friends) and they all left by midnight, which, needless to say, is extremely rare for a college party. By 12:15 everyone had gone to sleep or home except Adam and myself. We took a bike ride through the automall. Between twelve and six in the morning, it is ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

laurelthequeen May 12 2005, 17:32:32 UTC
lol. Wish i had the balls to do that to MY neighbors at the apartment complex. Though they were the white trash that could not park


zizz May 12 2005, 20:56:16 UTC
how can this guy even hear you? maybe he has really really big ears, in which case he should maybe get himself some really really big earplugs. i get annoyed with unreasonable noise late at night when i'm trying to sleep, but talking? come on. whispering?? ouch.


robertcalvin May 13 2005, 21:45:15 UTC
I definitely have the image of the middle-of-the-night automall in my memories, but I've never tried *enjoying* it.



robertcalvin May 30 2005, 09:49:34 UTC
When I said that a constant enema would improve my writing, I didn't actually mean I wanted one


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