It is not enough that she wants to preserve toxic relationships that are bad for the person. She also wishes to destroy relationships that make the person better. Look at what she did to Martha. Mike was starting to behave as if he could one day be called civilized and she raced around in a blind, unthinking panic about how Mike was going to throw her.....I mean 'his' future away.
Besides, she never ever figured out the basic truth about the idiot she raised and the loser only someone as stupid as she is could possibly be impressed by:
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"Tonight, in a very special episode of The Wonder Years, Kevin breaks up with Winnie for the 4000th and We Really Mean It Final Time..."
Adult Kevin's voice-over: "Winnie went on to publish several books on how to learn math, and appear in an endless series of interchangeable Hallmark movies. I went on to....well, not much, actually."
And speaking of generational damage, we're dealing with someone who wants to avoid very much admitting that like her mother before her, she no real idea of what's going on around her.
Example One:
Liz gets talked into attending a New Year's Eve bash thrown by clannish degenerates stuck in High School designed specifically to trigger a pregnant woman who gets in the way of a fantasy they should have outgrown when they hit legal age. Liz storms off in a huff, dislocates her knee and accuses Thérèse of assuming she'd done it on purpose.
Example Two:
Liz doesn't understand that people can and do talk about HER without her awareness or permission and is constantly blindsided by people who hold things over her head when they weren't supposed to know. As by way of example, Brad dimed her, Anthony and the Patterson family out to a friend of Paul Wright.
Example Three:
Liz doesn't realize that Candace doesn't attach the same weight to this as she does. Sure, Anthony will always be way too high school and so will Dawn (who married a man who
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Comments 16
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Besides, she never ever figured out the basic truth about the idiot she raised and the loser only someone as stupid as she is could possibly be impressed by:
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"Tonight, in a very special episode of The Wonder Years, Kevin breaks up with Winnie for the 4000th and We Really Mean It Final Time..."
Adult Kevin's voice-over: "Winnie went on to publish several books on how to learn math, and appear in an endless series of interchangeable Hallmark movies. I went on to....well, not much, actually."
He peaked when he was nineteen, the poor bastard.
And speaking of generational damage, we're dealing with someone who wants to avoid very much admitting that like her mother before her, she no real idea of what's going on around her.
Example One:
Liz gets talked into attending a New Year's Eve bash thrown by clannish degenerates stuck in High School designed specifically to trigger a pregnant woman who gets in the way of a fantasy they should have outgrown when they hit legal age. Liz storms off in a huff, dislocates her knee and accuses Thérèse of assuming she'd done it on purpose.
Example Two:
Liz doesn't understand that people can and do talk about HER without her awareness or permission and is constantly blindsided by people who hold things over her head when they weren't supposed to know. As by way of example, Brad dimed her, Anthony and the Patterson family out to a friend of Paul Wright.
Example Three:
Liz doesn't realize that Candace doesn't attach the same weight to this as she does. Sure, Anthony will always be way too high school and so will Dawn (who married a man who ( ... )
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