Or, you could just say "yes, you're right- it is very hot, you aren't sick, and you'd have fun playing in the sprinkler. Go ahead." You know, and not be a bloody stubborn idiot for the sake of being a bloody stubborn idiot.
Elly thinks she's teaching her kid that she can make a decision and stick by it. All she's actually teaching him is that she will die on the hill of a knee-jerk, thoughtless decision out of spite. It would serve her right if bored, angry Michael went on to injure himself doing something NOT as benign as running through the damn sprinkler. Of course, that would be Michael's fault too, so never mind.
She does not want to admit she's teaching him that. It's like how being a self-righteous skinflint who forces Liz to blow her money on gas teaches Liz that her friends are freeloaders or how telling him that he's making up feelings that get in the way of hogging credit for something means that she doesn't really give a crap about him.
Did Lynn INTEND to show Anthony as a bald-faced liar in that last strip? He insists that his wife had no reason to be jealous and then fantasizes hugging his ex girlfriend. "All that's left is mental telepathy"- jesus take the wheel with this guy. He's telling Liz he's going to keep thinking about her and wishes he could call and write- why the hell are you even married, you jagoff?
Because he's a passive idiot who can't ask a simple question of a lunatic who thinks 'talking to a casual acquaintance' = 'being sullied forever': "How long have you been smoking crack cocaine?"
Comments 28
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She has to keep track of why she benefits when she doubts Candace:
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Or, you could just say "yes, you're right- it is very hot, you aren't sick, and you'd have fun playing in the sprinkler. Go ahead." You know, and not be a bloody stubborn idiot for the sake of being a bloody stubborn idiot.
Elly thinks she's teaching her kid that she can make a decision and stick by it. All she's actually teaching him is that she will die on the hill of a knee-jerk, thoughtless decision out of spite. It would serve her right if bored, angry Michael went on to injure himself doing something NOT as benign as running through the damn sprinkler. Of course, that would be Michael's fault too, so never mind.
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Also, apologies require understanding the other person's perspective. Remember Dawn and Shawna-Marie talking shit about Evil Career Woman?:
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Did Lynn INTEND to show Anthony as a bald-faced liar in that last strip? He insists that his wife had no reason to be jealous and then fantasizes hugging his ex girlfriend. "All that's left is mental telepathy"- jesus take the wheel with this guy. He's telling Liz he's going to keep thinking about her and wishes he could call and write- why the hell are you even married, you jagoff?
Because he's a passive idiot who can't ask a simple question of a lunatic who thinks 'talking to a casual acquaintance' = 'being sullied forever': "How long have you been smoking crack cocaine?"
Stupid strip speaks for itself.
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