*** 7 Things that scare you...
1. Needles
2. Loosing friends
3. matt, alex, daniel, and sometimes shanns driving
4. Thinking
5. Seeing a friend die in front of me
6. The thought of living forever
7. Being alone in life
*** 7 Things you like the most...
1. Being with friends
2. Waking up slowly after having a pleasent dream
3. The smell of boys (like good smelling boys :P cologne and such)
4. Talking late on the phone
5. Feeling like you are the only one up while listening to good music
6. Good music
7. People who are beautiful but don't realize it.
*** 7 Things you don't like...
1. needles
2. people who cheat on eachother
3. running into walls or flying out windows
4. being locked out of the house
5. not knowing what you want
6. People who deny themselves things just because they think other people will look down on them for it
7. that there arent enough moments to hang with friends
*** 7 Important things in your room...
1. Oxygen
2. Ipod
3. Pillow/Teddy
4. Cell phone
5. Sketch pads
6. Cds
7. Pictures of friends
*** 7 Random facts about you...
1. There are nights I sit in bed for hours trying to sleep.
2. I can't sleep in my room is a light is on.
3. I can eat ice cream practically any time of the day.
4. I lived with an asshole for 6 years, and then he died on my couch.
5. I have trouble concentrating without some type of music being on or stuck in my head.
6. I run into walls at night time.
7. I almost died this weekend.(kind of :P)
*** 7 Things you plan to do before you die...
1. Find love.
2. Learn to play the guitar
3. Learn to play the piano
4. Learn to play the drums
5. Go out of the Americas
6. Get at least one tattoo
7. Get in a bar fight
*** 7 Things that attract you to the opposite sex
1. Must be able to play with his hair, or have cool hair
2. smelling good
3. Playing an instrument (preferably guitar, piano, drums, bass)
4. making me laugh or having a good sense of humor
5. be willing to be serious about life
6. pretty eyes
7. love of music
*** 7 Things you say the most...
1. I wish that would have gone in
2. What the hewl
3. Where's Spencer
4. Im tired
5. I love music
6. I <3 ...
7. lol
*** 7 Celeb or NOT-REAL crushes...
1. Kyo from Dir en Grey
2. Valo from HIM
3. Yusi (sp?) from the 69 eyes
4. Johnny Depp in POTC
5. Bam (i have a soft spot for him :P)
6. Sean Connery from anything
7. Matt Damon from Dogma ( <3 Loki)
*** 7 Favorite drinks...
1. Water
2. Peach Tea from qt
3. Hot chocolate from qt
4. Apple juice
5. Wild Cherry Pepsi
6. Chocolate milk from dillons or hiland
7. Koolaid
*** Tag 7 people... Take it if you want. XD