Title: Christmas
Pairing: Heechul/Ryeowook
Rating: PG [for occasional swearing]
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’ve never written a Heewook before. :D It had ought to be interesting.
It was that dreaded day.
It was the day Kim Ryeowook would happily go through the presents he had received from his fellow members on Chr…
It killed Heechul to even think of the word, so when the day came, it was worse than a major hangover, with stupid Jungsu nagging at you to get the hell up.
Which was pretty goddamn annoying.
The truth had been, Heechul had, uh, forgotten to buy presents for his members.
Now, Leeteuk, Hankyung, Kibum and Siwon had given up on the idea of Kim Heechul giving presents to them on the jolly day, so they were no headache. Kangin was an angry force when it came to presents, but he too, knew the man better. Yesung and Kyuhyun were too involved with their own things, and their own worlds, that they didn’t really care. Donghae, Eunhyuk and Sungmin were a bit of a hassle, but after a threatening glare with the kitchen knife, they became silent.
But it was the one member left that gave Heechul such a major dislike towards Christmas.
It was Ryeowook.
Ryeowook was so caught up in the stories and traditions of Christmas, decorating the dorms with bright pink tinsel [the tinsel had been provided by Sungmin] and even baking chocolate-chip cookies for Santa.
Seeing the kid so happy with the whole idea of the day, even Heechul, who had been known for his bluntness, didn’t have the heart to tell Ryeowook that Santa didn’t exist.
However, his opinion of that changed when Ryeowook bounded into his room at 3AM, screaming, “IT’S CHRISTMAS, HYUNG!” and got dragged out to the living room, where the rest of the members were present as well. Heechul drooped on the sofa, not even paying attention to what the eternal maknae was saying. Then he asked, “Heechullie hyung, I can’t seem to find your present anywhere!! Where did you leave it?!”
Heechul groaned, and muttered something about ‘stupid-fat-ugly-santa’, then fell asleep again.
However, Ryeowook was not one to give up easily, especially when it came to presents.
So, dear Wookie kept on bothering Heechul, non-stop, until a while later, [in reality, it was only 2 minutes] the older boy yelled, “SHUT THE HELL UP.”
“BUT HYUNG!! MY PRESENT! P-R-E-S-E-N-T!” Ryeowook yelled back, just as loudly.
And he would’ve kept on yelling, had it not been for the fact Heechul had placed his lips on the ranting kid for 5 seconds, and then mumbled, “There’s your goddamn Christmas present. Now leave me alone.”