Name: Amber ♥
Previous Stamps: Alistair (Dragon Age)
Tali (Mass Effect)
Human Noble (Origin Story Regular and Mirror)
Positive Traits: I'm very aware of people's feelings and such. I'm fiercely loyal to those I love. I'm not a nosy person and I don't push something when it's obvious someone doesn't want to talk, part of that being because I read people pretty well. I'm always trying to look on the bright side of situations, even when others find them to be completely hopeless. I'm pretty funny at certain times, too. It's only once in a while that I act funny, but when I do it's hilarious! (Hahaha, at least I'd like to think I'm pretty funny...)
Negative Traits: I do not like to work. At all. Sometimes I can get fairly bossy, and it annoys a bunch of my family members all the time. I can get annoyed pretty easily. Just a little slip can set me off, even if it's meant to be just a joke. I can also be blunt. Like really blunt. But I try to not hurt people when the subject's sensitive... But my biggest problem is how I always have to have approval from other people. Just a little criticism, even constructive criticism, can ruin my entire day... But I'm putting effort into changing that trait :)
Hobbies and interests: Well I love writing and reading... I like looking through magazines of both games and fashion because I can just be a huge contradiction like that XP I like being alone and I also like chilling with people I care about... Oh and video games, watching Comedy Central... If I'm being honest it's really hard for me to absolutely hate something *nodnod* I like doing most things :D
Dislikes: I hate having the door to my room open when I'm in it. And you know the numbers that you see whenever you turn up the volume? I can't stand it when that number's odd. And I dislike humorless people and backstabbers too.
Is it easy for you to fit in? Actually... Yes. I was one of those kids in high school that had friends from every stereotype. Cheerleaders, band kids, stoners... I was friends with a lot of people. Still am I guess XD I'm guessing the reason I had no problem with fitting in is that for the most part I didn't judge... Out loud anyway XD
As a whole, how do you think other species view your race? I think we'd be respected and known to be capable. I'm sure there'll be haters every once in a while, but that's how it always is anyway X) I'd hope that we hadn't gotten into any major wars with a particular species so that we wouldn't have some sort of grudge match against them... I don't like grudges very much D;
How does YOUR race view other races? I think we'd view them as equals. We may be super awesome and all (lol) but that doesn't mean we're BETTER then anyone, know what I mean?
Is there an obvious difference between genders? For example, are the women of your species held in high regard or are they mostly ignored? I think that overall there'd be no real difference between how the genders are treated. Yes it was cool to see Eve and how the males acted around her, but I don't think I'd like that since I think it'd be too much pressure. So yeah, both genders are basically treated the same :)
What types of climate would your species thrive under? Well I personally tend to prefer warmer climates, so I guess anything dry would be prefered. But I really don't see us NOT being able to work in rain or something rediculous like that XD
What would your species be known for? Their intelligence, their war know-how, or something else completely? I actually think that we'd mostly be known for having a rich history... Maybe we'd be known for having beautiful architecture or something? Yeah, I think we'd be known for that sort of thing X)
Do you think religion would play a huge part in your race's society? What about government? I don't think religion would be a huge point in our society, but I do think that we'd be respectful about it. If one person has a different belief we'd just let them believe it I suppose. No point in making fun of it after all. As for government? I don't think it'd be a huge part of our society, but I think that the council and such would respect us... Unlike how the Volus are treated I suppose.
Pick up to three of the options below that interest you:
[X] Beauty and Elegance
[/] Technologically Advanced (not necessarilly super advanced, but not really primitive either...)
[ ] Independence
[X] Uniqueness
[ ] Military Power
Anything else you would like to mention? The cut text. Oh my feels... Thank you for voting! ♥
Link us to five unstamped applications you've voted on: As usual, I'll vote on more as they come in :)