Stamped as Morrigan // Origin Story theme

May 13, 2012 12:35

Name: Kate
Previous Stamps:
Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Positive Traits: intelligent, funny, compassionate, fair, independent, creative
Negative Traits: reclusive, short-tempered, lazy, stubborn, unforgiving, manipulative
Hobbies and interests: reading, writing, video games, marksmanship, musicals, politics
Dislikes: ignorance, bigotry, humorlessness, math, mornings, the outdoors, hard work
How are you described by others?: A friend once described me as “the most terrifying and fascinating person I’ve ever met.” Pretty sure she was joking, though.
Is it easy for you to fit in? Not very. I tend to stick out. While I do feel a certain pride for being individualistic, I have to admit there’ve been times I wished I could just blend into the crowd.

Do you prefer environments that are more crowded or exciting, or quiet and tranquil? My preference would probably be kind of a balance-I’d like to live in an exciting, fast-paced urban environment, but have my home be a quiet place where I can be myself. By myself. I get cranky if I’m around people longer than I want to be.
What places in the real world interest you the most? Cities, mainly. I’d love to visit New York, London, Tokyo-one of my favorite places is Washington D.C. I love places with excitement, vibrancy, character, history. Locally, I enjoy pubs-I don’t drink much myself, but the atmosphere feels strangely homey. Maybe that says something unflattering about my family.
Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Too cold-it’s easier to put on more layers than to keep taking them off, because eventually you just end up naked.  And, I mean, we're not in Antiva. Honestly, though, I’m kinda like Goldlilocks: I’d rather things be just right.
Which interests you more: traditional beliefs or innovation?  Innovation. As G.K. Chesterton put it, “Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about.” Or, to quote Wrex, “I’ll drag your clan to glory whether it likes it or not.” And then there’s headbutting. Because I really enjoy the headbutting.
Seriously, though, it's good to honor your culture; it's not good to use it as an excuse to hold yourselves back as a society.
What type of people do you get along with the most? What about people you DON'T get along with? Generally I get along with people who have a good sense of humor. I like to joke a lot, so very serious people probably won’t like me too much. I get very impatient with slow walkers or talkers.  And people who talk at the theater.  They're going to the special hell.
How's your family life? Do you get along with your family? (If this question is a bit too personal, you don't have to answer.)
I was actually raised by a family of drunken, hyper-intelligent badgers. None of them can walk a straight line, but they’d be damned if I didn’t grow up knowing how to bring a man down with my bare hands and then teach him about literary theory.

Seriously, though, my family…I love them-well, some of them-but they run the full gamut of Dysfunctional Family Bingo.  I have a completely unsubstantiated theory that whiskey is directly transferable through the blood; perpetual inebriation would explain a lot about both our judgment and coordination.  We’re weirdly kind of snobby, which I assume comes from pride in our heritage because I don’t know what else we have to be proud of except maybe intelligence and a snarky disposition.  There’s also kind of a tradition of badassery; even my great-grandma, who’s four foot nothing and the sweetest little old lady you could imagine, used to sharpshoot venomous snakes.  Anyway, we’ve got genealogical records going back centuries, mostly of soldiers and pioneers.  If some of the research is to be trusted, we’re directly descended from Geoffrey Chaucer.  It’s kind of cool to look through the old records and pictures, though I was rather distressed to discover that one of my ancestors somehow managed to grow a beard entirely out of his neck.  Nothing on his chin at all, just full-on neckbeard.  Disturbing.

On the bright side, I only know of a single instance of one relative trying to kill another. To be fair, maybe she didn’t intend to kill him. Just poke him a bit. With a knife. Like you do.

Pick up to three of the options below that interest you:
[ x ] Wealth and Elegance
[ x ] Hope
[ ] Rags to Riches
[ ] Tragedy
[ x ] Military Power

Anything else you would like to mention?
G.K. Chesterton also said, “Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”

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