Mass Effect Theme

Mar 12, 2012 18:20

Name: Caitlin
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality:

I guess I'd say I'm very private, but passionate. I like having fun and being adventurous, but I don't always see the value of being social and talkative all the time. I tend to keep everything to myself, my opinions, how I feel, and I try to find other ways to express myself (whether creatively, or by physically doing something rather than just talking). When I absolutely have to be more social, or I really need to express something, I can put on a talkative, outgoing façade, but it doesn't feel like me. It's only when I really trust someone do I open up, in which case I'll probably talk their ear off, but even with my friends I'm not comfortable being open all the time. If you catch me on a day when I'm feeling extremely relaxed and confident, only then will I tell you how I really feel, and I'm usually pretty blunt about it. For instance, I'll be having a conversation with a friend, and then I'll suddenly stop and tell them, "Well, I don't have anything else to say, I'm gonna go," and just leave. > . > And I don't even realize it might be rude (and strange), I just say exactly what I'm thinking. I'm either too reserved, or too honest, I guess.

While I need my alone time to recharge, I don't like being completely alone; I'm very much an introvert, but I love the energy and ambient noise of being around other people and their activities. As long as I don't feel like everyone's attention is focused on me, or I have at least one friend around to be my anchor, then I'm okay.

I'm a bit of a scatter-brain, and I don't multi-task very well, so I usually end up focusing on one thing at a time. I'm happiest when I'm working on a painting, or writing fiction, and my entire being is so focused on what I'm doing that hours pass, but it feels like ten minutes. I love being in the moment.

Positive Traits: Patient, kind, encouraging, driven, honest, down to earth, curious, loyal
Negative Traits: Stubborn, aloof, awkward, blunt, perfectionist, obsessive, self-doubting
Hobbies and interests: I enjoy creating things, whether it's drawing, painting, or building something; reading, writing, theatre, obviously playing video games, watching other people play video games...
Dislikes: People talking AT me, I can't stand that. Have a conversation WITH me; unless you're a professor and I'm in a seat taking notes, I don't want to listen to you talk non-stop (even then... but, at least it's my choice to take a class). I also hate it when co-workers stand right in front of my desk, even leaning on my desk, and have a conversation that I can't escape (because I need to do my work!), but I don't feel included in, either. Being stuck in situations where I feel like I have no control... ugh! (Just writing about my dislikes is making me tear my hair out, lol.)
How are you described by others?: Most people who don't really know me think I'm very mellow and reserved. People who do know me think I'm a good listener and amusing. My friends seem to think I'm, uh... interesting, (in a good way, I hope), and a goof-ball at times. Occasionally I've been described as expressive and enthusiastic by people I barely know, which always surprises me! I guess I'm more animated than I think I am.

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Definitely an introvert.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? I usually act like an optimist, especially when I want to encourage others. I really want to believe that anything's possible, that things can turn out alright, but I know it isn't likely to happen. I'm a realist in that sense.
A leader or a follower? If I really need to I'll take charge, but most of the time I'd rather not. Co-leading, or second-in-command, that works out better. I'll follow when it's necessary.
Cynical or trusting? A little of both, I guess. I can be suspicious of people, but if I get good vibes about someone, I can be trusting. It all depends on the context.
Mature or childish? I try to act mature, but I don't know if it always works out. Although, sometimes there are moments where the urge to be immature is so tempting, I just have to give in, haha.
Independent or dependent? Independent. As soon as I feel boxed in, that's it, I'm out. If everyone's doing the same thing, thinking the same thoughts, I can't help wanting to do the opposite. Or at least ask why.
Cool or dorky? I'm dorky on the inside, but on the outside... probably neither.
Careful or carefree? I'm so careful about every single thing I do, every single thing I say, it's a wonder I haven't worn out by now.
High, medium, or low energy? I'll say medium. I do have high let's-get-things-done! energy, but not all the time. My bursts of energy are short-lived, and then it's back to being mellow.
Confident or modest? Modest, usually. I try to draw the least amount of attention as possible, but if I need to be confident, I can be.

You somehow end up on a ship that's been taken hostage. After fighting through the hordes of enemies you've reached the mastermind behind the entire plot... But he's taken some civilians hostage as well. He gives you a choice: save the hostages and let him go free, or attack and kill him but he kills the hostages in the process. Which option would you pick?
Save the hostages. I couldn't live with myself knowing that some innocent people could have been saved, but were sacrificed just to bring some mastermind to justice.

Are people more likely to call you an asshole or a goody-goody? Goody-goody

One of your crew members questions your judgement about the new recruits on your ship. How do you handle her suspicions?
I guess I'd start by asking what exactly these suspicions are, and try to reason with her, even if I end up having to tell her, "So-n-so is useful, that's why they're here! Get used to it."

You're forced to pick the first human member of the Council. Do you pick someone who is an excellent politician but cares too much about image... Or someone who may not know his way around politics but has humanity's best interest in mind at all times?
The latter. For starters, I'm instantly wary of people who care too much about image. And I'd rather pick someone who I know will do what's right for humanity, even if they don't really know how to at first.

Someone who you thought was dead for two years has just suddenly come back but he's working for a group that opposes you. How do you greet your friend? With caution or open arms?
I guess it would depend who it was, and how well I knew them. A best friend I'd greet with open arms, but I'd still have my doubts: How do I even know it's the real them? They just came back after I'd already grieved for them? I'm sure it would throw me for a loop, even (or especially) if the person who returned was a former lover.

A couple of scientists are scanning keepers on the Citadel, which is against the law, but if they keep scanning there may be a technological breakthrough. Even though it's against the law would you let them continue?
It would take a lot of convincing, depending on what exactly their motivations are. If it really seemed beneficial, and they definitely aren't planning to cause trouble, then, yeah, I'd let them.

Would you say that you'd be better at negotiating or just charging in guns blazing?
I'd say I'd rather negotiate, even if I'm not exactly better at it. Charging in guns blazing can be a lot more fun at times, but negotiating is preferable.

One of your crew members expresses romantic interest in you but you have a mission to think about. How do you handle it? Do you just go along with it?
If the crew member expressing interest was someone I liked and was attracted to, and they managed to not scare me off with their advances, I probably couldn't help going along with it. Especially if the crew member really seemed like they needed my support, I'd end up feeling guilty if I didn't reciprocate. I can't deny it would be a huge distraction, but, carpe diem, and all that, right?

Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? (Limit to two characters) Kaidan, Ashley
Anything else you'd like to add? Nope!

Link us to five unstamped applications you've voted on:

mass effect: liara

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