Name: Rasputin, otherwise known as Raz
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Best Fit (don't ask for both)
Describe your personality:
Positive Traits: I've got a naturally flippant-seeming personality, but I am in fact quite intelligent and resourceful, capable of subtlety as well. I've got excellent taste and a uniquely flavorful chaaarm~ I'm affectionate (you know - where appropriate XD) and playful, and though it's rather rare that I do so, when I find myself getting close to someone, I do truly bond with them, and I'm surprisingly good at aiding others in managing their feelings when I listen. I am also graceful and potentially tricky, with an upbeat disposition (serving as quite a neat little balance to the people I tend to spend my time around X3). I'm thoroughly proud of and confident in myself, wouldn't have me any other way.
Negative Traits: I am utterly vain and cocksure, and sometimes materialistic, all facts I'm sure I've made very clear by now. X3 I have a titanic head, I'm a drama queenking, I can get wrapped up in my own little world. My sense of humor borders on the inappropriate at times (oh, who am I kidding, it more than just borders XD), I don't know when to stop talking or let up, it can be hard to tell whether I'm joking or dead serious. I'm obviously a quirky one, which can sometimes put people off. And I can't let up on my shameless girlish flamboyance, but ah, I think it can double as a strength. ;3
Hobbies and interests: Haaa it only just occurred to me how few proper 'n solud hobbies I have. XP But I enjoy if not exactly consistently acting, most anything that involves music, pretty things, and plain and simply enjoying life.
Dislikes: Dislikes: Being bossed around, when there is absolutely nothing to do, awkward silence, confusion, shameless bullies (never nice, children ;P), too much work to do, not having a moment's peace, having to deal with something that just doesn't interest me, blinding light, hot weather, too much noise, general inconvenience.
How are you described by others?: Hopping back and forth... Flirtatious, foppish, charismatic, entertaining, smug, upbeat, "chi~ill", cunning, chatty, reliable, "ladylike", narcissistic, quirky, practical, sauceh, hedonistic, and-or brave.
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Most certainly extroverted.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? Optimistic, useful in countering the pessimism of most of my friends. X3
A leader or a follower? I love to be listened to, and to be free. But otherwise I'm for the most part fine going with the flow. If I must follow, though, I can find myself breaking rules or overstepping my boundaries literally without thinking. X3
Cynical or trusting? I know when one needs their guard up and try not to be foolish about it, but I'm very much outwardly friendly. XP
Mature or childish? Mature, shaded with childishness.
Independent or dependent? Much as I like company, I don't desperately need it. XD
Cool or dorky? Hee, I don't think either 'un is the word I'd use. X3 I'm a joker, but a struttin' one.
Careful or carefree? Carefree for the most part, but it depends on whether or not anything's leading me to think I ought to brace myself for bodily harm. XD If it's really a choice, I face things. Not brashly, of course, it's good to calculate your approach as you start taking sneaky li'l steps forward, but wouldn't the favored case being having one's troubles solved than left lurking out there?
High, medium, or low energy? I swing between the two. One moment I'm on a sofa with a cup of milk tea and reading material 'n the next, I'm bouncing down the street singing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen like I have an audience. X3
Confident or modest? Confeedent.
You've been offered a place in the Gray Wardens. It's obviously a very dangerous job with little comforts, but it comes with plenty of glory. How would you feel? Would you join? Not by choice, under, we~ell, any circumstance that a-pops into my head. XP But there's no choice but to suck it on up an' soldier on upon conscription, so if that was the case, fine in the end by me. I'll have to make the most of any furloughs I get, anyhoo. ;3
How would you describe your sense of humor? Ha~ Methinks I dip into that here 'n there overtly and not sll over the place. XD
Your party's been ambushed by a rouge. After you defeat and interrogate him, he asks you to spare his life. You now have the option of letting him join you or killing him on the spot. What do you do? "Welcome aboard, my good man, I shake you warmly by the hand and remind you that we've got our eyes on you and will probably scream if we die~"
Do you think you'd enjoy ruling a kingdom? Regardless of whether you like it or not, do you think you'd be good at it?
Are you the type that would side with a friend even if you know that they're wrong? Butahcourse~ However much of a good case they have, I'll most cheerfully sell their side of things the best I can, though prob'ly along with my own if I downright disagree.
What are your thoughts on religion? Honestly, I typically don't hold onto any. XD Simple enough then to say one should go on and follow it for their own good. It's not so easy to be patient with it, 'course, if they put it to use as their standard for anything or anyone else.
There's a fighting couple and the man slaps the woman. What do you do? To be honest... take a few seconds to snoop. XP If it looks imbalanced or~r like it's really getting that much worse, I say I pop in and turn on the charm try my luck at talkin' it down.
What are your thoughts about romance on your adventure? Should it be put on the back burner for the sake of the party? For your sake? Oh-ho, I can see it doing far more good than harm, not even limited to the two or perhaps more I suppose at the descretion of the involved in the courtship. It's another li'l thing to keep them going and in Dragon Age at least certainly made for interesting conversation among the team. ;P
Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? (Limit to two characters) Cannot say there are~
Anything else you'd like to add? Ah-nope~ Thank you kindly.
Link us to five unstamped applications you've voted on:
Oh, believe me, I've got them, but it is late at night an~nd I'm finishing this on a friend's mobile device. XP If it's unacceptable, alas, no worries, I'll edit in the links first chance.