Dec 30, 2011 04:15

Happy Holidays, Everyone!!

Hope that your Winter celebrations have gone well and that your New Year will be bright! It's been awhile since our last update so please forgive the wall of text dump. On the plus side, it's choke-full of yummy BioWare related news, so we hope you enjoy!

Dawn of the Seeker Japanese Trailer
New trailer for the Dragon Age anime: Dawn of the Seeker is now out! Super cool, worst thing ever, or made of LOL?

SW:TOR Calculator
Can't get enough of your shiny new Star Wars: The Old Republic? Have to make EVERY SINGLE character class available? Save time and energy by using the Prima Releases SWTOR Talent Calculator to help you plan your playthrough!

The Star Wars The Old Republic Talent Calculator is a free, web-based tool designed to help you learn what skills to choose from when mapping out your skill tree. But don’t think this is just a simple talent calculator. It’s not! This is a full blown database of top-rated builds for the community. You can select from the game’s top recommended builds or experiment with each build to see what works for you.

SW:TOR Comic Preview
Star Wars: The Old Republic - War issue #1 now available
The Republic and the Mandalorians are at war! Jedi are joining the fight, despite the noninterference stance of the Council. One Jedi, however, has found himself on the front lines against his wishes--the peace-loving Zayne Carrick has been drafted!

If you've ever heard of the Knights of the Old Republic video games and comics but didn't know where to start--this is it!
BioWare Launches New Blog: Asks Community for Help!
BioWare is taking a new direction with their blogs, and is asking fans for their input!

According to Community Manager Jessica Merizan, "to make this blog more reflective of our community, we want your input. Every week, we want to showcase the best art, costumes, crafts, music, and more that come from our talented and clever fans."

The team at BioWare has also asked for fans to submit re-designs for the BioWare blog by "sending a screenshot of your entry to account by January 3rd to be considered. Prize includes recognition for the design, community spotlight interview on the blog (with links to your deviantart/portfolio), and $250 gift certificate to the BioWare store"!

Winning entries will show passion in their design with an understanding of BioWare games and what makes our studio special. They will also consider overall color matching, typography, and clear navigation - demonstrating a design that keeps readers in mind. Checkout the blog: [link]
BioWare Helps Kids with Cancer Society
Not like we need more reasons to believe BioWare's the best game studio out there, but who doesn't love a heartwarming tale of gaming and fundraising?
BioWare participated in the Kids with cancer Beaded Journey Gala this year and offered a "BioWare Experience" as an auction item.

The "BioWare Experience" provided the kids the opportunity to come into the BioWare studio for a tour and a lesson on how video games are made. The kids got to see level art, tech art, concept art, animation, audio, programming, QA and then got to have some hands on time with space combat for SWTOR.

After lunch, the kids got to pick a character, and a name for that character from the Dragon Age universe. They were assigned scripts to do their voice over work. The kids then got to paint textures for a 3D character using pencil crayons and paper which was later scanned in and assigned as a texture to the animated character. At the end of the day, the kids were given a backpack full of SWAG and then a DVD showing their hard work.

The BioWare Experience was auctioned for $15,500 and all proceeds went to the Kids with Cancer Society of Edmonton.
Watch the vid!

Dragon Age Redemption Now Available to Watch
Watch Felicia Day's Dragon Age Redemption web series on YouTube:

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6

Don't forget to check out the Director's commentary on the episodes, or this video of Felicia Day playing as Tallis in Dragon Age: Mark of the Assassin.

Tell us what you thought of the series?
Mass Effect 3 Dev Defends Inclusion Of Multiplayer

Mass Effect 3′s Casey Hudson gives us a behind the scenes glimpse at 2012′s biggest RPG. Interview with 360.
360 Magazine: There seems to be a real sense that BioWare is ending Shepard’s trilogy in the most explosive and ambitious way possible, is there a sense that series should go out with all guns blazing?

Casey Hudson: Our main goal is to ensure that everyone - long-time Mass Effect fans and players new to the series - are able to experience the absolute pinnacle of the Mass Effect experience as we bring Commander Shepard’s journey to a close.

For new players that means the beginning, and the end, of a full-scale galactic war.

And for players who have been with us since ME1, it will be the satisfying conclusion of the plots and character arcs that they’ve been following for years.

Read full interview.

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