Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
Angstmobile chose the following for me: ac/dc, coffee houses, drama, old books, old pubs, sisters of mercy, tattoos.
Good driving music, even though I don't drive! One of their songs (If You Want Blood) always reminds me of one of my favourite films (Empire Records).
Coffee Houses
I'm not a big fan of chain coffee houses (Starbucks, Costa et al) but more the little indie ones. There's some great ones in Brighton and a fantastic little olde worlde one in Steyning. If you go to the one in Steyning and order a pot of tea, they keep topping it up with hot water. I think the longest I eeked out a pot of tea in there was 3 hours! Mind you, their cakes are to die for and I think I had a piece of nearly every one while I was in there!
And I'm not talking about the "waa-waa! Everyone hates me" emp bullshit internet drama here! Although there has been a lot of that in my life. No, I'm talking about drama as in drama groups, amateur dramatics, all of that. I was really into it when I was younger, so much so that in high school, my English teacher put me in charge of the drama group. It was a position I held with pride and I remember putting on all kinds of little plays throughout the year, especially at our variety performance. We weren't the most popular act by far. In fact, most people seemed to be waiting for the act that looked and acted like the Spice Girls. We were the outcasts, the geeks but we were a close knit group. I often wonder what happened to them all... I would look on Facebook but no. While I was at high school, I won the school prize for drama. My English teacher said she cried when I won it because she was so proud of me. If it hadn't have been for Mrs White I don't think I'd still be writing (or acting) today.
Old Pubs
Old pubs were better when you were allowed to smoke in them in my opinion. Like indie coffee shops, they all have their own character. I used to run a 600 year old pub. If you want to see it, you can find the photos here: Old Books
I'm talking about really old books, not some paperback printed in the 70's that has been dredged up from Amazon second-hand sellers. I'm talking about books that were printed in the 30's and 40's (and before!) that are yellowing slightly and have that wonderful smell of dust and mildew. There's nothing more exciting than finding one for a good price when rummaging around second-hand and charity shops. :)
Sisters of Mercy
I was interested in the Sisters when I was heavily into my goth phase about 10 years ago. I remember going to this dingy little goth/rock/metal club in Coventry and dancing to "This Corrosion". We'd be there from 8pm to 4 the following morning, rolling back into Nuneaton ready to go to work at 10. Ah, those were the days! I'm not as into them as I used to be but, to me, they're still the epitome of the goth subculture.
Tattoos have always fascinated me, from the extremely beautiful to the ugly prison tattoos you see people sporting. You know the ones - they normally just say "Mum" or "Dad" and have literally been written into the skin in blue ink. In my old job, both the boss and I were heavily tattooed (I should hope we still are!) and we used to have competitions to see who could spot the worst prison tattoos. We normally spotted them while we were outside having a smoke because there was a pie shop next door (a famous haunt of such people). I think the worst I ever saw was "Mam" on someone's knuckles. Sexy... Now I have a beautiful one of my own and I'm planning my second one (thanks to everyone who's chipping in on that one!). The big one on my back was a collaborative effort between several people and so is the second one. It's quite fun to put the challenge to people with the motive "This will be permanently etched into my skin...".