Uriel was happily floating in the realm of sweet dreams. In her dream she was on a sunny field with Pestilence and their child. Pestilence said something and she laughed, and the child smiled at her as she looked down at him. Little white wings stuck out from the holes cut into the little baby blue shirt. Pestilence wrapped his arm around her shoulders, smiling down at their little son just like she did.
Suddenly, though, she was torn from this dream world as a sharp pain cut through her, startling her awake. For some time she simply tried to comprehend where she was. A moment later she realized that she was in bed, in Pestilence's arms, warm and safe. She tried to relax.
Then, just as she was about to get back to sleep, she felt it again. This was not her imagination; this was real.
Startled, she shook Pestilence by the shoulders. "Wake up, Pestilence!" she hissed. "I think --" She swallowed, then said, "I think the baby is coming now!"