I was wondering about gender in an open and inclusive way for a kink site, I have got this far so far:
Please select your genderMale Female A Variation Upon* Other - textbox Are there any other things you would like to add that you feel might
be important to others viewing this profileOther-textbox
*Doctor Who - Episode 200 (Series 4 2008) - Midnight
Episode List A variation upon was kind of a joke as it is announced in Doctor Who as "Ladies and Gentlemen, and variations upon" I always remember that as being really novel. I suspect most would not get it though.
How to provide enough information without excluding or labelling or getting drawn into all the closed minded crap I am trying to avoid.
A text box would just piss off the people who are one of the two simple sexes.
The checkbox which excluded TV and CD as a fetish in section 2 would piss people off as some are suffering with some form of gender identity issue, and well, they don't know I am only referring to those that literally do it for either pure fun or sexual gratification.
Hence the single text-box for part 2!
I even thought of percentages for each gender but that would likely be seen as mocking gender issues too!
Any advice from an open community on how to go about this without being guilty of the same closed mindedness of the last half century