Part thirteen of the Manual Transmission Series is ready.
Warnings: A lot of drama and angst. Schmoop. Boy/boy sex. Alien weirdness. Cliffhanger ending. Still a WIP! If you can't take it, don't click! The final section will be available in a few short months.
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Comments 44
I really enjoyed reading how upset Clark was about the farm being sold my fave part was when he was putting fence posts in the ground and scared the herd lol I could see it so clearly. I cried right along with him when Lex was trying to comfort him cause I bet he named all the animals and has millions of memories growing up there. It's his home. I was so happy when Lex yelled at his parents that was so Lex. I'm glad it all worked out in the end.
I could go on and on but I'll stop there just know that I Love this story and can't wait to see the next part especially with an ending like that!
>>when he was putting fence posts in the ground and scared the herd lol I could see it so clearly<<
LOL! I know, those poor cows. You'd think they'd be used to him by now, but I guess it's less scary when he's just playing football with them. ;)
I hope you enjoy the final section when it's ready. ^_^ Thank you again for taking the time to let me know your thoughts.
Thank you so much for all your comments! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. I really hope you like the ending when it's ready-yes, in only a few short months. LOL!
Thanks again. :)
>>*pets Lex, who is clearly a one-alien man*<<
Made me bwahahahaha. ^_^
Priscilla, thank you so much! I don't know how in the world I missed this comment from a month ago (!!), but I'm very happy to finally see it to-day of all days, just before I buckle down on the final section! Hmm... Was it Fate? :)
It's so nice to read about all your reactions to the various plot points as they unfolded. You make me smile. ^_^ And, don't worry, I won't ever think you're crazy for saying you like my writing. A flatterer? Yes. One of my favourite people? Yes. But crazy? Naaaaaaah. ;) (Wasn't it Tom Welling who once commented during a radio interview, "Just because they're my fans doesn't make them crazy..."? heh heh ( ... )
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