
Jan 24, 2006 18:34

Get this. For class next week, my homework is to do an interview/oral history of somebody--anybody, as long as I don't know them and they're not a student or professor who has passed through the warp-pipe bubble-enclave that is Swarthmore College ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

foxfour January 24 2006, 15:57:36 UTC
i should talk with you some time about Real Life. i'm not certain i believe in it. well, that's overly simplistic, but something like that.

sounds like a wonderful assignment, though.


uberjason January 24 2006, 16:09:25 UTC
I may become addicted to this assigment- start carrying a tape recorder with me and getting to know somebody interesting, new, different--somebody's story--every few days. After the first one, I'll just keep saying it's a class assignment, not daring to reveal that I just love collecting/experiencing others' insights and stories/spirits/lives, and need a pretense to do it. Kind of devious, tricking people into revealing themselves like that. But in the end, the joke is on both of us, I guess.

That mini-paragraph really struck me somehow, in a just-wow way. I can't even say why. So simple, says something meaningful... I don't know, but I really liked it a lot. I think that would be awesome to do.


anonymous January 24 2006, 16:33:28 UTC
For the record, happy wok workers are much more understandable than cheng hing workers. not that i've had bad experiences or anything.


followbliss January 24 2006, 18:28:00 UTC
Orgo coming out of one's ears sounds a might bit painful. My only version of this is realizing that I've smilingly sold my soul to the music department.

I love the assignment and your entry, though.


angeldesignpro January 24 2006, 20:01:52 UTC


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