Now that you've decided to join us, the application process is quite easy! Simply fill out the below form and submit it to us in the comments. If you are for whatever reason uncomfortable with your application being public, you are also welcome to send it to us via Livejournal private messaging. We will get back to you as soon as possible with either a request for revision or information on your acceptance.
Name: What you want to be known as.
Personal Journal: Your personal Livejournal, if you have one.
Contact: How to reach you in the event that we need to contact you. (e-mail, aim, plurk, etc are acceptable)
Name: Your character's name.
Age: Their age.
Gender: Self explanatory. :)
Crime Committed: The crime(s) that landed them at Deadman Wonderland.
Personality: Give us an idea of your character's personality and let us know you understand them. At least three decently sized paragraphs are required, but feel free to write more.
Background: As is the nature of the game, your character's history will be AU. Though you are welcome to adjust their background accordingly in consideration of the real world rules we have in place, it's advised that you actively avoid changing their history so much that they are no longer recognizable as a character. Be creative, but not overly so. :)
First Person Sample: A post you would see in a journal network type setting, such as
dear_mun or a musebox. You may link to the previously listed mediums, or write a new example for us.
Third Person Sample: Prose! We would like to see a good old fashioned example of your writing skills. In your example, we would like to see that you have an understanding of not only your character's voice, but their inner thoughts and physical quirks such as body movement, observations, etc. You do not have to include all of these points, but they most definitely help us get an accurate grasp of your skills. Your prose example should be at least 3 paragraphs. You may direct us to outside links or museboxes.
PLAYER INFOName:Personal Journal: Contact: CHARACTER INFOName:Age: Gender: Crime Committed: Personality: Background: SAMPLESFirst Person Sample:Third Person Sample: